"seat" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

seat Substantiv

Substantiv + seat
Kolokacji: 145
county seat • Senate seat • car seat • passenger seat • council seat • leather seat • Assembly seat • window seat • toilet seat • ...
seat + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 48
seat belt • seat cushion • seat auditorium • seat theater • seat passenger • ...
seat + Verb
Kolokacji: 43
seat goes • seat leaves • seat facing • seat lies • seat costs • ...
Verb + seat
Kolokacji: 200
seat vacated • seat created • lose one's seat • gain several seats • retain one's seat • resign one's seat • rise from one's seat • ...
2. resume one's seat = podejmować na nowo czyjś miejsce resume one's seat
4. settle in one's seat = aklimatyzować się czyjś miejsce settle in one's seat
5. win out of several seats = zwycięż z kilku miejsc win out of several seats
7. win several seats = odnieś zwycięstwo wyborcze w kilku miejscach win several seats
11. reduce to several seats = zredukuj do kilku miejsc reduce to several seats
13. win of several seats = wygraj z kilku miejsc win of several seats
14. capture several seats = zdobądź kilka miejsc capture several seats
15. make the seat = marki miejsce make the seat
  • The stiffness of age made the soft seat especially welcome.
  • On these rods, a piece of wood is fixed to make the seat.
  • But he made the back seat all right and he shut the door.
  • Their feet dangled as they sat on the seats made for humans.
  • Javor was made the seat of a parish in 1906.
  • Inside, around the Ambalama, there are seats made out of stone.
  • She'd cozied herself on a smooth seat made of stone, and was still drinking.
  • The town was made the seat of an oblast.
  • That made it the most marginal seat in Britain.
  • It was made the seat for the Swedish Archbishop in 1164.
16. get out of one's seat = wychodzić czyjś miejsce get out of one's seat
17. reach one's seat = dochodzić czyjś miejsce reach one's seat
18. receive to a seat = otrzymaj do miejsca receive to a seat
19. win for the seat = wygraj dla miejsca win for the seat
20. find in the seat = znajdź w miejscu find in the seat
21. get to one's seat = dochodzić czyjś miejsce get to one's seat
22. fall into one's seat = wpadać czyjś miejsce fall into one's seat
23. make to one's seat = robić aby czyjś miejsce make to one's seat
24. win to one's seat = wygrywać aby czyjś miejsce win to one's seat
25. win back one's seat = odzyskiwać czyjś miejsce win back one's seat
26. come with several seats = przyjdź z kilkoma miejscami come with several seats
27. win out several seats = zwyciężać kilka miejsc win out several seats
28. make for a seat = skieruj się ku miejscu make for a seat
29. come to one's seat = ocknąć się czyjś miejsce come to one's seat
30. win with several seats = wygraj z kilkoma miejscami win with several seats
31. inherit one's seat = dziedziczyć czyjś miejsce inherit one's seat
32. hit into the seats = uderz do miejsc hit into the seats
33. fall from several seats = upadek z kilku miejsc fall from several seats
34. collapse into one's seat = upadek do czyjś miejsce collapse into one's seat
35. settle on the seat = usadów się na miejscu settle on the seat
(11) slump, sink, drop, slouch
Kolokacji: 7
(12) go, sell, buy, need, stay, ...
Kolokacji: 12
(13) allocate, reserve, allot
Kolokacji: 3
(14) strap, secure, attach
Kolokacji: 4
(19) ease, help, serve
Kolokacji: 4
Adjektiv + seat
Kolokacji: 186
front seat • rear seat • empty seat • parliamentary seat • Congressional seat • open seat • vacant seat • legislative seat • hot seat • ...
Präposition + seat
Kolokacji: 31
of seats • from one's seat • out of one's seat • about several seats • onto the seat • ...

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