"rotate" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

rotate Verb

rotate + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 14
rotate several degrees • rotate one's head • rotate one's shoulders • rotate positions • rotate players • ...
Verb + rotate
Kolokacji: 3
begin to rotate • cause to rotate • involve rotating
rotate + Präposition
Kolokacji: 33
rotate around • rotate through • rotate among • rotate between • rotate on • ...
2. rotate through = obróć całkowicie rotate through
3. rotate among = obracać wśród rotate among
5. rotate on = obracać na rotate on
6. rotate at = obracać przy rotate at
7. rotate in = obracać w rotate in
8. rotate to = obracać aby rotate to
11. rotate about = obracać około rotate about
  • It will not rotate about its point of contact with the paper.
  • The ring rotated quickly about 80 cm above the ground.
  • Each wheel rotated about the end of its own supporting arm.
  • My sense of up and down rotated about forty-five degrees.
  • Each movement can be rotated 90 about the lens axis.
  • Six of the planets also rotate about their axis in this same direction.
  • Hence, an object in 2 dimensions rotate about a point.
  • A star shape is obtained by rotating a square about its centre.
  • Mars rotates about its axis in almost the same time that Earth does.
  • If the left and right wheels move together, the bar rotates about its mounting points.
13. rotate for = obracać dla rotate for
14. rotate by = obracać przez rotate by
rotate + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 31
rotate slowly • rapidly rotate • rotate freely • rotate once • regularly rotated • ...

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