"repay" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

repay Verb

repay + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 15
repay the loan • repay the debt • repay the money • repay one's kindness • repay creditors • ...
(1) loan, debt
Kolokacji: 2
(3) kindness, attention
Kolokacji: 2
(4) interest, part, client, fee
Kolokacji: 4
(5) billions, thousands
Kolokacji: 2
1. repay thousands = spłać tysiące repay thousands
2. repay billions = spłać miliardy repay billions
  • The founder and chairman of the Hyundai Group announced radical changes today that will greatly diminish his family's management role and help the company, South Korea's biggest conglomerate, repay billions of dollars in debt through asset sales.
  • Soaring interest rates, which have hit 100 percent, have made it impossible for states and local communities to repay billions of dollars in loans that were used to finance public works projects.
  • Inflation is rising swiftly, they said, and there is a looming prospect that the Soviets will not have the hard currency to repay billions of dollars in debts coming due to Western banks and governments.
  • Committed future generations to repaying billions of debt for PFI's and public sector workers pensions, doubled the National debt by hundreds of billions.
  • The Russian Government also hopes that Iraq will be able to repay billions of dollars it owes for weapons supplied by the Soviet Union if and when sanctions are lifted.
  • In bankruptcy plans filed today, the PG&E Corporation proposed splitting into two utility companies, a move it said would enable it to repay billions of dollars to creditors without assistance from the state of California.
  • The reorganization will wipe out the stock of its current shareholders, repay billions of dollars in claims, and issue new stock and notes to current bondholders and other unsecured creditors.
  • A dispute between Russia and Ukraine has delayed Western efforts to give Russia more time to repay billions of dollars of debts of the former Soviet Union, American officials said today.
  • The dispute further tarnishes Russia's image among foreign investors, as the Government struggles to repay billions in debt it accrued over the last several years to keep its economy functioning.
  • Every year, we repay billions of euro.
Verb + repay
Kolokacji: 5
help repay • start repaying • begin repaying • used to repay • avoid repaying
repay + Präposition
Kolokacji: 15
repay with • repay to • repay in • repay for • repay from • ...
repay + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 7
fully repaid • amply repaid • well repaid • later repaid • eventually repay • ...

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