"rely" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

rely Verb

Verb + rely
Kolokacji: 9
forced to rely • continue to rely • come to rely • tend to rely • need to rely • ...
1. forced to rely = zmuszony do opierania się forced to rely
2. continue to rely = kontynuuj opieranie się continue to rely
3. come to rely = przyjdź opierać się come to rely
  • Not without something he had come to rely on way too much.
  • They came to rely on us for our unique service.
  • By then they had come to rely on the freezer.
  • But by now we've come to rely on them for much of daily life.
  • With three children to raise and the business to run, she came to rely on them, too.
  • Soon, Bunch came to rely on them just to get through the day.
  • The time had come for them to rely on their own skills and experience.
  • He would come to rely on the drug in order to fall asleep.
  • He was surprised how quickly he'd come to rely on her.
  • Had I come to rely on her presence in order to maintain my role?
4. tend to rely = miej skłoności do opierania się tend to rely
5. need to rely = potrzebuj opierać się need to rely
6. stop relying = przestań opierać się stop relying
7. begin relying = zacznij opierać się begin relying
8. avoid relying = uniknij opierania się avoid relying
9. start relying = zacznij opierać się start relying
rely + Präposition
Kolokacji: 17
rely on • rely upon • rely for • rely with • rely to • ...
rely + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 40
rely heavily • rely solely • rely primarily • rely mainly • rely exclusively • rely largely • increasingly rely • rely entirely • ...

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