"regularly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

regularly Adverb

Verb + regularly
Kolokacji: 359
appear regularly • perform regularly • meet regularly • regularly visit • regularly feature • regularly attend • write regularly • ...
3. meet regularly = spotkaj regularnie meet regularly
6. regularly attend = regularnie bądź obecnym regularly attend
11. reviewed regularly = przeanalizowany regularnie reviewed regularly
15. used regularly = użyty regularnie used regularly
18. run regularly = biegaj regularnie run regularly
19. held regularly = trzymany regularnie held regularly
21. regularly seen = regularnie widziany się regularly seen
22. come regularly = przyjdź regularnie come regularly
24. go regularly = jeźdź regularnie go regularly
25. regularly compete = regularnie rywalizuj regularly compete
31. regularly send = regularnie wyślij regularly send
33. regularly shown = regularnie pokazany regularly shown
36. regularly tour = regularnie wycieczka regularly tour
38. eat regularly = regularnie się odżywiaj eat regularly
41. fly regularly = poleć regularnie fly regularly
  • You could have taken them back when we were both flying regularly, but not now.
  • Until several years ago, he regularly flew his own airplane.
  • They fly back and forth regularly, sometimes staying for months.
  • Soldiers were regularly flown in by helicopter from then on.
  • From that point on, I'd begin flying out to California regularly.
  • By December 1916 he had completed his training and was flying without an instructor regularly.
  • A native of Barbados, she once flew home regularly to visit her family.
  • In the early days of American aviation, passengers were very few and the airlines did not fly regularly as at present.
  • There are a number of international airlines that fly to and from Iceland regularly.
  • Both were not flown regularly and were retired in 1914.
42. regularly call = regularnie zadzwoń regularly call
45. heard regularly = słyszany regularnie heard regularly
47. regularly consult = regularnie skonsultuj się regularly consult
48. sing regularly = zaśpiewaj regularnie sing regularly
49. regularly broadcast = regularnie nadać regularly broadcast
56. regularly found = regularnie załóż regularly found
57. regularly scheduled = regularnie zaplanować regularly scheduled
59. regularly get = regularnie dostań regularly get
60. regularly draw = regularnie narysuj regularly draw
61. regularly spaced = regularnie rozstawić regularly spaced
62. regularly win = regularnie wygraj regularly win
63. regularly pay = regularnie zapłać regularly pay
64. talk regularly = rozmawiaj regularnie talk regularly
65. regularly tested = regularnie sprawdzić regularly tested
68. regularly cited = regularnie zacytować regularly cited
69. regularly refer = regularnie odnieś się regularly refer

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