"recognize" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

recognize Verb

recognize + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 166
recognize marriages • recognize contributions • recognize achievement • recognize sovereignty • recognize leadership • ...
5. recognize leadership = rozpoznaj przywództwo recognize leadership
10. recognize Israel = rozpoznaj Izrael recognize Israel
11. recognize unions = rozpoznaj związki zawodowe recognize unions
12. recognize patterns = rozpoznaj wzory recognize patterns
13. recognize words = rozpoznaj słowa recognize words
14. recognize excellence = rozpoznaj perfekcję recognize excellence
15. recognize people = rozpoznaj ludzi recognize people
  • It's about recognizing people who are beautiful on the inside all year long.
  • The vote recognized people who died for their faith and stand as Christian role models.
  • She finds it almost impossible to recognize people simply by looking at them.
  • It was hard to recognize people from the tops of their heads, several stories up.
  • It was difficult to recognize people as they walked between the tables.
  • The program was created right after the September 11 attacks to recognize people, places and activities making a difference.
  • Now late at night it was becoming difficult to recognize people, to remember their names.
  • He appears to recognize few people other than his wife.
  • "I like to be able to recognize people at the bus stop."
  • I'm not real good at those, but I know how to recognize people who are.
21. recognize the danger = rozpoznaj niebezpieczeństwo recognize the danger
25. recognize one's claim = rozpoznawać czyjś twierdzenie recognize one's claim
26. recognize one's efforts = rozpoznawać czyjś wysiłki recognize one's efforts
34. recognize the fact = rozpoznaj fakt recognize the fact
37. recognize the man = rozpoznaj człowieka recognize the man
41. recognize one's responsibility = rozpoznawać czyjś odpowiedzialność recognize one's responsibility
43. ability to recognize = umiejętność rozpoznania ability to recognize
45. recognize one's friend = rozpoznawać czyjś przyjaciel recognize one's friend
46. recognize objects = rozpoznaj przedmioty recognize objects
48. recognize things = rozpoznaj rzeczy recognize things
49. recognize groups = rozpoznaj grupy recognize groups
50. recognize members = rozpoznaj członków recognize members
52. recognize one's limitations = rozpoznawać czyjś ograniczenia recognize one's limitations
55. recognize one's status = rozpoznawać czyjś status recognize one's status
56. recognize borders = uznawaj granice recognize borders
Verb + recognize
Kolokacji: 20
awarded to recognise • fail to recognize • refuse to recognize • learn to recognize • begin to recognize • seem to recognize • ...
recognize + Präposition
Kolokacji: 36
recognize by • recognized until • recognize within • recognized for • recognize among • ...
recognize + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 95
officially recognized • widely recognized • internationally recognized • nationally recognized • immediately recognize • ...

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