"recall" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

recall Verb

recall + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 62
recall memories • recall one's name • recall one's words • recall one's life • recall one's experience • recall one's childhood • ...
3. recall one's words = przypominać sobie czyjś słowa recall one's words
4. recall one's life = przypominać sobie czyjś życie recall one's life
  • She recalls her life in the village for three years of the war.
  • He recalls his past life in California as an insurance salesman.
  • In fact, come this Wednesday, they are gathering to recall his life and work.
  • The assignment was to write a poem recalling life at 9 years old.
  • The actor recalls his life as poor immigrant's son, waiter, film star, father and man.
  • In the meantime, through flashbacks, he recalls their life together.
  • His birth name no longer held meaning for him, if indeed he recalled his life with a human family at all.
  • The former First Lady recalls her life, from childhood to the present.
  • A museum also recalls his life as a revolutionary.
  • Tan is given a journal and urged to free associate in an effort to recall his past life.
6. recall one's childhood = przypominać sobie czyjś dzieciństwo recall one's childhood
7. recall one's meeting = przypominać sobie czyjś spotkanie recall one's meeting
10. recall one's ambassador = przypominać sobie czyjś ambasador recall one's ambassador
11. recall one's visit = przypominać sobie czyjś wizyta recall one's visit
12. recall the details = przypomnij sobie szczegóły recall the details
13. recall the events = przypomnij sobie wydarzenia recall the events
14. recall the days = przypomnij sobie dni recall the days
15. recall the moment = przypomnij sobie moment recall the moment
16. recall things = rzeczy pamięci recall things
18. recall the story = przypomnij sobie historia recall the story
19. recall images = pamięć obrazy recall images
20. recall one's face = przypominać sobie czyjś twarz recall one's face
21. recall one's encounter = przypominać sobie czyjś spotkanie recall one's encounter
22. recall one's reaction = przypominać sobie czyjś reakcja recall one's reaction
Verb + recall
Kolokacji: 6
try to recall • seem to recall • ask to recall • help recalling • prompt to recall • ...
recall + Präposition
Kolokacji: 27
recall during • recall from • recall with • recall after • recall by • ...
recall + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 51
later recall • vividly recall • fondly recall • once recall • suddenly recall • ...

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