"provide" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

provide Verb

provide + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 1124
provide services • provide advice • provide information • provide support • provide access • provide assistance • provide evidence • ...
Verb + provide
Kolokacji: 96
help provide • begin providing • rely to provide • continue providing • include providing • start providing • fail to provide • ...
provide + Präposition
Kolokacji: 66
provided by • provide for • provide through • provided via • provide to • ...
provide + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 118
generally provide • actually provide • later provide • well provided • simply provide • ...
  • The church itself, in those cases, does not actually provide the birth control.
  • We all know that actually providing the full information will not happen.
  • No health care services are actually provided at the company's offices.
  • But the city, which actually provides the money for the schools, has made a commitment to spend only about a third of that.
  • However, in practice very few municipalities actually provide these services.
  • Some players wonder if the whole idea is to give the appearance of more free agency but actually provide little movement.
  • Consumers should also check their cards to learn which companies actually provide the phone service.
  • But the authors don't actually provide any examples of how that might happen.
  • The current text actually provides for the possibility of looking at the issue again in 2011.
  • So the author gets to imply something without actually providing any evidence.
3. later provide = później dostarcz later provide
4. well provided = dobrze dostarczyć well provided
7. once provide = kiedyś dostarcz once provide
11. mainly provided = głównie dostarczyć mainly provided
12. provided directly = dostarczony bezpośrednio provided directly
13. provide fast = dostarcz szybko provide fast
17. provide free = dostarczać wolny provide free
21. finally provide = w końcu dostarcz finally provide

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