"protect" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

protect Verb

protect + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 358
protect consumers • protect citizens • protect workers • protect Journalists • protect habitat • protect civilians • protect children • ...
Verb + protect
Kolokacji: 65
help protect • designed to protect • intended to protect • seek to protect • try to protect • fail to protect • fight to protect • ...
1. help protect = pomóż chronić help protect
2. designed to protect = zaprojektowany by chronić designed to protect
4. seek to protect = staraj się chronić seek to protect
5. try to protect = spróbuj chronić try to protect
7. fight to protect = walcz by chronić fight to protect
8. act to protect = działaj by chronić act to protect
9. want to protect = chciej chronić want to protect
12. work to protect = pracuj by chronić work to protect
13. go to protect = idź do chronić go to protect
14. meant to protect = mieć zamiar chronić meant to protect
15. help to protect = pomóż chronić help to protect
16. created to protect = stworzony chronić created to protect
17. built to protect = zbudowany chronić built to protect
20. assigned to protect = wyznaczony by chronić assigned to protect
21. sent to protect = wysłany by chronić sent to protect
22. serve to protect = służ by chronić serve to protect
23. sworn to protect = zaprzysiężony chronić sworn to protect
24. made to protect = zrobiony chronić made to protect
25. need protecting = potrzebuj chronienia need protecting
  • He always seemed to need protecting from someone or something.
  • I'm not the one he needs protecting from, but have it your way.
  • It needs protecting, and most people in the country would agree with that.
  • I must have been crazy to think you needed protecting.
  • Nobody has been here longer than we; how come our ways need protecting?
  • In fact, that's the only kind of speech that needs protecting.
  • "Unions are for people who have a career and need protecting."
  • When civil liberties need protecting, our system is doing a good job of making sure they are.
  • They say the water system is not below the level needed to satisfy basic human needs or protect the health of its 12,000 customers.
  • The "average citizen" is not the only group that needs protecting.
protect + Präposition
Kolokacji: 34
protect against • protected under • protect by • protect from • protect within • ...
protect + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 66
adequately protect • fully protected • well protected • better protect • legally protected • ...

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