"promptly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

promptly Adverb

Verb + promptly
Kolokacji: 212
say promptly • promptly go • answer promptly • respond promptly • promptly begin • reply promptly • promptly return • promptly fall • ...
1. say promptly = powiedz natychmiast say promptly
2. promptly go = natychmiast pójdź promptly go
5. promptly begin = natychmiast zacznij promptly begin
6. reply promptly = odpowiedz natychmiast reply promptly
8. promptly fall = natychmiast spadnij promptly fall
10. act promptly = działaj natychmiast act promptly
11. promptly arrested = natychmiast zaaresztować promptly arrested
12. come promptly = przyjdź natychmiast come promptly
13. arrive promptly = przybądź natychmiast arrive promptly
14. promptly leave = natychmiast wyjdź promptly leave
16. promptly move = natychmiast rusz się promptly move
18. promptly make = natychmiast zrób promptly make
20. promptly send = natychmiast wyślij promptly send
21. pay promptly = zapłacić natychmiast pay promptly
22. promptly lose = natychmiast przegraj promptly lose
  • She promptly lost it to Christian an hour later after getting a door slammed in her face.
  • Then he got an even greater surprise and promptly lost all interest whatever in the way this woman held a knife.
  • Boston was favored to win at home, yet promptly lost two of three games.
  • After doing so, he promptly lost that game, as he had no way to win.
  • He promptly lost the next three hands, and then played the ahen even for almost two hours.
  • Then the players promptly lost the ball in the darkness.
  • Wait outside, he ordered, and promptly lost all interest in them.
  • The Jets promptly lost control of what had seemed a certain victory.
  • The Braves promptly lost 19 of their next 21 games and fell to second place.
  • You rolled the top open, put the food in, then promptly lost your appetite.

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