"progress" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

progress Verb

Verb + progress
Kolokacji: 4
fail to progress • continue to progress • keep progressing • stop progressing
progress + Präposition
Kolokacji: 30
progress through • progress from • progress beyond • progress to • progress into • ...
2. progress through = posuń się do przodu całkowicie progress through
12. progress by = postęp przez progress by
13. progress for = postęp dla progress for
  • Plans progressed for a follow-up album, to be released at the end of 1999.
  • After 1143 the war ground on, but progressing slightly better for Stephen.
  • As the story progresses her feelings for Age eventually grow into love.
  • The making of the big machine progressed all the more rapidly for this.
  • Whatever the effect was, it had been progressing for weeks.
  • Later, her practice progressed to training actors for movie roles.
  • If allowed to progress for a week or two, it has been known to push even the most exemplary parents right over the edge.
  • The tide was low and we progressed between mud banks for the first part of the way.
  • "The first year we started dating she was 27, and her age progressed naturally for three years," he said.
  • Despite drug therapy to help her condition, the disease progressed for about eight years.
14. progress past = postęp przeszłość progress past
16. progress along = postęp wzdłuż progress along
progress + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 26
progress further • progress slowly • progress rapidly • progress well • progress quickly • ...

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