"product" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

product Substantiv

Substantiv + product
Kolokacji: 319
consumer product • dairy product • food product • petroleum product • software product • end product • tobacco product • ...
2. dairy product = produkt mleczny, nabiał dairy product
5. petroleum product = produkt ropopochodny, produkt naftowy petroleum product
6. end product = produkt końcowy end product
8. waste product = odpady produkcyjne waste product
9. quality product = wyrób wysokiej jakości quality product
10. beauty product = kosmetyk, produkt upiększający beauty product
11. animal product = produkt pochodzenia zwierzęcego, produkt odzwierzęcy animal product
12. flagship product = produkt flagowy flagship product
13. forest product = produkt leśny, użytek leśny forest product
14. paper product = wyrób papierowy paper product
15. household product = produkt domowy household product
16. farm product = produkt gospodarski farm product
18. gene product = gen produkt gene product
19. wood product = produkt drzewny wood product
20. meat product = wyrób wędliniarski meat product
21. drug product = produkt narkotykowy drug product
22. vitamins product = witaminy produkt vitamins product
23. milk product = produkt mleczny, nabiał milk product
24. reaction product = reakcja produkt reaction product
25. Consumer Guide Product = Konsument Przewodnik Produkt Consumer Guide Product
27. blood product = produkt krwiopochodny blood product
  • This gave epidemiologists a strong reason to believe that the disease was being spread through blood products.
  • A section has been added to house freezers for 35,000 frozen blood products.
  • In 1954, the Government wished to establish a site for increased production of blood products.
  • But there is no evidence of transmission from blood products.
  • You received a blood product used to treat clotting problems that was made before 1987.
  • But, he said, it was too late, and the health officials began to screen people who had taken the blood products.
  • He gave them familiarization training on the drugs the ship carried, along with blood products.
  • They said their costs for labor, new technology and blood products were all rising.
  • Mr President, the safety and quality of blood products have never been so important.
  • We would all welcome the setting of standards of quality for blood products.
28. oil product = produkt naftowy oil product
30. care product = opieka produkt care product
31. Microsoft product = Microsoftowy produkt Microsoft product
32. product of one's youth system = produkt z czyjś system młodzieżowy product of one's youth system
33. insurance product = produkt ubezpieczeniowy insurance product
34. steel product = produkt stalowy steel product
35. Skin Care Product = Pielęgnacja skóry Produkt Skin Care Product
36. core product = produkt podstawowy core product
37. product of one's time = produkt z czyjś czas product of one's time
38. technology product = produkt technologii technology product
40. company product = produkt firmy company product
41. investment product = produkt inwestycyjny investment product
42. computer product = produkt komputerowy computer product
43. combination product = połączenie produkt combination product
44. fission product = produkt rozszczepienia fission product
45. cleaning product = środek czyszczący cleaning product
47. US product = USA produkt US product
48. combustion product = produkt spalania combustion product
49. decay product = produkt rozpadu substancji radioaktywnej decay product
50. metal product = metalowy produkt metal product
51. pork product = produkt wieprzowy pork product
52. protein product = produkt białkowy protein product
53. niche product = nisza produkt niche product
54. hair product = kosmetyk do pielęgnacji włosów hair product
55. health product = produkt zdrowotny health product
56. energy product = produkt energetyczny energy product
58. home product = wyrób krajowy home product
61. hygiene product = higiena produkt hygiene product
62. specialty product = specjalność produkt specialty product
63. building product = budynek produkt building product
64. export product = produkt eksportowy export product
65. breakdown product = rozpad produkt breakdown product
66. business product = produkt służbowy business product
67. security product = produkt związany z bezpieczeństwem security product
68. tensor product = iloczyn tensorowy, iloczyn Kroneckera (np. wektorów, macierzy) tensor product
69. dot product = iloczyn skalarny dot product
product + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 149
product line • product development • product manager • product label • product design • product placement • product category • ...
product + Verb
Kolokacji: 130
product contains • product shortens • product includes • product causes • product uses • product makes • product cures • ...
Verb + product
Kolokacji: 153
sell products • buy products • manufacture products • deliver products • purchase products • produce products • develop products • ...
Adjektiv + product
Kolokacji: 455
new product • gross product • domestic product • herbal product • agricultural product • commercial product • final product • ...
Präposition + product
Kolokacji: 26
of products • for products • on products • into products • including products • ...

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