"press" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

press Verb

press + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 69
press charges • press one's hand • press one's lips • press one's face • press one's fingers • press one's case • press one's palms • ...
Verb + press
Kolokacji: 12
continue to press • keep pressing • try to press • want to press • begin pressing • ...
press + Präposition
Kolokacji: 47
press against • press into • press down • press up • press upon • ...
press + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 71
press ahead • press hard • press forward • pressed together • gently press • press tightly • ...
(2) hard, tightly, firmly
Kolokacji: 3
3. neatly pressed = starannie naciskać neatly pressed
6. long pressed = długo naciskać long pressed
7. press strongly = naciskaj mocno press strongly
8. simultaneously press = jednocześnie prasa simultaneously press
10. sharply pressed = ostro naciskać sharply pressed
11. crisply pressed = lakonicznie naciskany crisply pressed
12. aggressively press = agresywnie prasa aggressively press
13. accidentally press = przypadkowo prasa accidentally press
14. once pressed = kiedyś naciskać once pressed
15. particularly press = szczególnie prasa particularly press
16. increasingly pressed = coraz bardziej naciskać increasingly pressed
17. forcefully press = z mocą prasa forcefully press
18. press eastward = naciskaj na wschód press eastward
19. press lovingly = naciskaj z miłością press lovingly
20. press northward = naciskaj na północ press northward
21. press southward = prasa na południe press southward
22. press westward = naciskaj na zachód press westward
  • As Allied troops pressed westward across New Guinea, the Squadron moved to Ward Airdrome at Port Moresby.
  • Osman however continued to press westward and captured the Byzantine city of Ephesus near the Aegean Sea.
  • United Nations officials said Serbs were pressing westward toward Bihac from near Bosanska Krupa and northward along a road from Bosanski Petrovac.
  • Hardly a day passed without sign of the bands of human wanderers who pressed westward, across the plains of central Ansalon until they came to the rising spires of the Kharolis Mountains.
  • The Force pressed steadily westward, Jag slowing only once when he temporarily lost the prints on a rocky stretch.
  • As she continued to press westward, the setting sun seemed torn in half along its lower edge, a jagged line of black cutting across it before it reached the horizon.
  • Having long since outflanked the dreaded Chirumas by their northward march through western Colorado, they pressed westward into Utah.
  • The white sails had remained visible against the horizon for several hours as Halloran and Daggrande, led by Erixitl, pressed westward along the shore.
  • The fighting pressed westward from here, with the 56th Division on the northern flank and the 46th on the south; both were held back by strong German resistance.
  • Morocco was facing aggression from Spain and the Ottoman Empire pressing westward.
23. sufficiently pressed = wystarczająco naciskać sufficiently pressed
24. instinctively press = instynktownie prasa instinctively press
(5) flat, constantly, steadily
Kolokacji: 3
(8) successfully, unsuccessfully
Kolokacji: 2
(9) freshly, newly
Kolokacji: 2
(11) immediately, directly
Kolokacji: 2
(12) sorely, painfully
Kolokacji: 2
(13) deep, deeply
Kolokacji: 2
(14) upward, downward
Kolokacji: 2
(15) perfectly, immaculately
Kolokacji: 2
(16) urgently, insistently
Kolokacji: 2
(17) publicly, privately
Kolokacji: 2

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