"poorly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

poorly Adverb

Verb + poorly
Kolokacji: 155
perform poorly • poorly understood • fare poorly • poorly received • play poorly • poorly designed • poorly equipped • poorly trained • ...
3. fare poorly = opłata za przejazd ubogo fare poorly
6. poorly designed = ubogo zaprojektowany poorly designed
7. poorly equipped = słabo wyposażony poorly equipped
8. poorly trained = ubogo wyszkolony poorly trained
10. sell poorly = sprzedaj ubogo sell poorly
11. poorly paid = ubogo zapłacony poorly paid
  • Most of the teachers, felt that they have been poorly paid.
  • However, government staff at all levels were poorly paid and had little interesting work to do.
  • Even if they can find work, it is generally poorly paid.
  • The job paid poorly, and there was no future in it.
  • But the last thing Tom needs is a dangerous and poorly paid after school job.
  • On his return, he began work in various union positions, most of which were poorly paid.
  • The job is poorly paid relative to the risk and effort required.
  • Staff were poorly paid, with many going several years without a salary increase.
  • With an average starting salary under $21,000, the teachers are poorly paid in national terms.
  • "This happens in a lot of places where there aren't enough workers and they are poorly paid," he said.
12. poorly known = ubogo znany poorly known
13. poorly defined = ubogo określony poorly defined
14. poorly managed = ubogo zarządzany poorly managed
15. poorly written = ubogo napisany poorly written
17. reflect poorly = odzwierciedlij ubogo reflect poorly
18. poorly documented = ubogo udokumentowany poorly documented
19. go poorly = pójdź ubogo go poorly
20. treated poorly = potraktowany ubogo treated poorly
21. poorly educated = niedouczony poorly educated
22. poorly made = ubogo zrobiony poorly made
23. run poorly = pobiegnij ubogo run poorly
24. poorly developed = słabo rozwinięty poorly developed
25. poorly served = ubogo obsłużony poorly served
27. poorly lit = ubogo zapalony poorly lit
28. poorly prepared = źle przygotowany poorly prepared
29. poorly planned = ubogo zaplanowany poorly planned
30. poorly conceived = ubogo wymyślony poorly conceived
32. poorly preserved = ubogo zachowany poorly preserved
poorly + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 4
poorly fitting • poorly thought-out • poorly soluble • poorly marked

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