"plot" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

plot Verb

plot + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 21
plot strategy • plot attacks • plot a course • plot revenge • plot ways • ...
2. plot attacks = ataki fabuły plot attacks
  • Al Qaeda has regrouped and is said to be plotting smaller attacks against American targets.
  • He warned that "loose and decentralized networks of terrorism are still finding recruits" to plot attacks against Americans.
  • The authorities say extremist groups have plotted attacks on Western targets.
  • American officials say some of those arrested were plotting terrorist attacks in Europe and elsewhere.
  • The cell was active as early as 1978 in plotting terrorist attacks.
  • But they are trying to influence public opinion and are plotting violent attacks against the new government with that aim.
  • They pretend to plot terrorist attacks when they know they are under surveillance.
  • They met three or four times a week to discuss their anti-American feelings and to plot possible attacks.
  • Terrorists also plotted major chemical and biological attacks against this country.
  • They identified the five wanted terrorists, about whom little was known but who were suspected of plotting additional terrorist attacks in martyrdom operations.
5. plot ways = drogi fabuły plot ways
Verb + plot
Kolokacji: 3
begin plotting • start plotting • help plot
plot + Präposition
Kolokacji: 17
plot against • plot out • plot on • plot with • plot for • ...
plot + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 15
carefully plotted • secretly plot • allegedly plot • plot together • intricately plotted • ...

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