"personally" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

personally Adverb

Verb + personally
Kolokacji: 220
speak personally • personally lead • personally think • personally know • personally take • personally see • meet personally • ...
1. speak personally = mów we własnym imieniu speak personally
2. personally lead = osobiście zaprowadź personally lead
  • On 16 November 1470, he personally led the army of 150,000 troops to support.
  • You have to personally lead the execution of the plan.
  • I still don't see him personally leading any armed movement against us in the very near future.
  • He paid for all the costs, and personally led the team at the tournament.
  • She raised an army of four thousand and personally led it against the British in 1857.
  • So he rode forward and personally led the soldiers in the attack.
  • "I will personally lead a patrol to see to the damage."
  • You should not be so reckless as to personally lead your men into battle.
  • He personally led the defensive fight, for three days ensuring the town could be held.
  • I can't tell you the countless numbers that he personally led to Christ.
3. personally think = osobiście pomyśl personally think
8. personally feel = osobiście poczuj personally feel
10. personally go = osobiście pójdź personally go
12. personally believe = osobiście uwierz personally believe
15. personally opposed = osobiście sprzeciwić się personally opposed
26. come personally = przyjdź osobiście come personally
30. personally acquainted = osobiście zapoznać personally acquainted
31. personally attend = osobiście bądź obecnym personally attend
32. personally find = osobiście znajdź personally find
33. personally sign = podpisać własnoręcznie personally sign
35. personally prefer = osobiście wól personally prefer
37. personally own = osobiście posiadaj personally own
40. deal personally = rób interesy osobiście deal personally
personally + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 20
personally responsible • personally identifiable • personally liable • personally interested • personally accountable • ...

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