"person" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

person Substantiv

Substantiv + person
Kolokacji: 39
person of descent • business person • people person • contact person • person of interest • ...
person + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 24
person plural • person shooter • person perspective • persons camp • Person a • ...
person + Verb
Kolokacji: 312
person commits • person suffers • person enters • person dies • person sitting • person living • person receives • person chooses • ...
Verb + person
Kolokacji: 152
person convicted • person charged • person appointed • person born • person named • include persons • person known • ...
1. person convicted = osoba uznała za winnego person convicted
2. person charged = osoba pobrała opłatę person charged
3. person appointed = osoba wyznaczyła person appointed
4. person named = osoba nazwała person named
5. person born = osoba urodzony person born
6. include persons = obejmuj osoby include persons
8. person involved = osoba włączyła person involved
9. person chosen = osoba wybrany person chosen
10. person elected = osoba wybrała person elected
13. person executed = osoba spełniła person executed
14. person affected = osoba udała person affected
15. person left = osoba wyszła person left
16. make up of one person = umaluj z jednej osoby make up of one person
17. vary to person = różnij się do osoby vary to person
19. protect persons = chroń osoby protect persons
  • Article 6 also aims to protect persons from discrimination based on language.
  • There are no formal mechanisms to protect persons with mental disabilities.
  • In particular, it protected their "liberty, persons and property like other inhabitants."
  • No law protects persons from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • But he said, "It is not our policy to protect persons in the witness program from meeting their financial obligations."
  • Team D a protect important persons and objects which is an exposed threats of terrorist attack.
  • It's to protect persons testifying against dangerous criminals or organizations.
  • Ghanaian law does not protect persons from discrimination based on sexual orientation.
  • Due process holds the government subservient to the law of the land protecting individual persons from the state.
  • Employers are to protect employees and other persons from the hazards of substances used at work.
20. vary from person = różnij się od osoby vary from person
21. create for persons = stwórz dla osób create for persons
22. person accused = osoba oskarżyła person accused
23. person briefed = osoba poinformowała person briefed
27. person is arrested = osoba jest zaaresztowana person is arrested
28. meet in person = spotkać osobiście (kogoś), spotkać się osobiście meet in person
29. person is treated = osoba jest potraktowana person is treated
31. meet a person = spotkaj osobę meet a person
33. appear in person = stawiać się osobiście appear in person
36. person is required = osoba jest wymagana person is required
38. help a person = pomóż osobie help a person
40. cause a person = spowoduj osobę cause a person
45. take a person = zabierz osobę take a person
46. tell the person = powiedz osobie tell the person
47. ask the person = zapytaj osobę ask the person
48. see in person = zobacz osobiście see in person
49. person selected = osoba wybrała person selected
50. person nominated = osoba nominowała person nominated
51. get the person = miej osobę get the person
52. cost a person = kosztuj osobę cost a person
53. stop persons = osoby zatrzymania stop persons
54. person engaged = osoba zajęła person engaged
55. person is entitled = osoba jest upoważniona person is entitled
56. refer in the person = odnieś się w osobie refer in the person
57. carry on one's person = kontynuować czyjś osoba carry on one's person
58. person connected = osoba połączyła person connected
59. make to the person = zrób do osoby make to the person
60. come in person = przyjdź osobiście come in person
61. carry several persons = przewieź kilka osób carry several persons
62. put a person = wyślij osobę put a person
63. award to a person = nagroda do osoby award to a person
64. person buried = osoba pochowała person buried
65. person mentioned = osoba wspomniała person mentioned
66. person suspected = osoba podejrzewała person suspected
67. person interviewed = osoba przeprowadziła wywiad person interviewed
Adjektiv + person
Kolokacji: 508
only person • young person • single person • average person • displaced person • normal person • nice person • disabled person • ...
Präposition + person
Kolokacji: 24
per person • among persons • in person • between persons • against persons • ...

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