"perform" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

perform Verb

perform + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 266
perform tasks • perform functions • perform music • perform operations • perform surgery • perform works • perform abortions • ...
11. perform feats = dokonaj wyczynów perform feats
12. perform miracles = czynić cuda perform miracles
13. perform tricks = rób sztuczki perform tricks
14. perform stunts = wykonaj wyczyny kaskaderskie perform stunts
15. perform rites = wykonaj obrzędy perform rites
16. perform calculations = wykonaj kalkulacja perform calculations
22. perform tests = przeprowadzaj badania perform tests
23. perform sex = wykonaj seks perform sex
27. perform research = wykonaj badania perform research
28. perform pieces = wykonaj kawałki perform pieces
30. perform studies = przeprowadź nauki perform studies
31. perform deeds = wykonaj czyny perform deeds
38. perform maneuvers = wykonaj manewry perform maneuvers
39. perform several hours = wykonaj kilka godzin perform several hours
40. perform maintenance = wykonaj utrzymanie perform maintenance
42. perform moves = wykonaj ruchy perform moves
43. perform marriages = wykonaj małżeństwa perform marriages
45. perform comedy = wystaw komedię perform comedy
48. perform labor = przeprowadź pracę perform labor
49. perform exercises = przeprowadź ćwiczenia perform exercises
51. perform chores = przeprowadź obowiązki perform chores
53. ability to perform = umiejętność wykonania ability to perform
55. perform gigs = przeprowadź występy perform gigs
59. perform a variety = wykonaj różnorodność perform a variety
60. perform a series = wykonaj serię perform a series
61. perform movements = wykonaj ruchy perform movements
68. perform a rendition = wykonaj interpretację perform a rendition
75. perform scenes = wykonaj sceny perform scenes
78. perform a tour = wykonaj wycieczkę perform a tour
79. perform inspections = przeprowadź kontrole perform inspections
81. perform types = wykonaj typy perform types
82. perform weddings = przeprowadź śluby perform weddings
84. perform sketches = wykonaj szkice perform sketches
85. perform recitals = wykonaj recitale perform recitals
86. perform checks = przeprowadź kontrole perform checks
87. perform CPR = wykonaj CPR perform CPR
88. perform skits = przeprowadź parodie perform skits
89. perform reconnaissance = przeprowadź rozpoznanie perform reconnaissance
90. perform audits = wykonaj audyty perform audits
91. perform tunes = wykonaj melodie perform tunes
  • He performed pop-rock tunes and old hits.
  • Peter decides to make the most of the situation by performing tunes and annoying the family.
  • They performed both gospel and secular tunes, the latter of which were written by leader Maurice McAlister.
  • It was one of the most performed tunes in his concerts in the early 60's.
  • The 51-year-old bespectacled chief of staff, ordinarily mild-mannered, played bass as the band performed tunes like "Born to be Wild."
  • He performed tunes he wrote as well as songs they knew, with clarity and speed like no one could imagine, except him.
  • The group performed several tunes by Walton and Jimmy Heath that had the crowd on its feet after every solo.
  • Gryphon were originally an acoustic ensemble performing folk and medieval tunes.
  • He performed several tunes during the show, accompanied by Stewie and Brian.
  • I was instructed never to perform such tunes again.
92. perform investigations = przeprowadź śledztwa perform investigations
Verb + perform
Kolokacji: 58
start performing • begin performing • continue performing • scheduled to perform • required to perform • continue to perform • ...
perform + Präposition
Kolokacji: 59
performed by • perform alongside • perform under • perform at • perform throughout • ...
perform + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 169
perform well • perform live • perform regularly • perform poorly • frequently perform • originally performed • perform better • ...

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