"peace" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

peace Substantiv

Substantiv + peace
Kolokacji: 21
world peace • labor peace • Somalia peace • peace of mind • Peace of Thorn • ...
peace + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 130
peace talk • peace treaty • peace process • peace agreement • peace negotiation • peace plan • peace accord • peace effort • ...
1. peace talk = mówienie pokojowe peace talk
3. peace process = proces pokojowy peace process
6. peace plan = plan pokojowy peace plan
7. peace effort = inicjatywa pokojowa peace effort
8. peace accord = porozumienie pokojowe peace accord
10. Peace Corps = Korpus Pokoju Peace Corps
11. peace settlement = zawarcie pokoju peace settlement
12. peace deal = porozumienie pokojowe peace deal
15. peace activist = działacz pokojowy, osoba działająca na rzecz pokoju peace activist
16. peace proposal = propozycja pokoju peace proposal
17. peace officer = funkcjonariusz pokojowy peace officer
18. Nobel Peace Prize = Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla Nobel Peace Prize
19. peace dividend = pokojowa dywidenda (zysk z ograniczenia zbrojeń) peace dividend
20. Paris Peace Conference = Konferencja pokojowa paryska Paris Peace Conference
  • He led the political information section of the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
  • He worked tirelessly to promote his plan at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference.
  • He covered the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 for the same newspaper.
  • The institute was set up by former delegates to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.
  • He was a representative at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.
  • In 1919, he was on the naval advisory board at the Paris Peace Conference.
  • The open negotiations covered a period of more than fifteen months, beginning at the Paris Peace Conference.
  • After the war, was a participant in the 1919 Paris Peace Conference.
  • The city's political position was to be a subject of intense debate at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.
  • The new battles among world leaders will be played out at the Paris Peace Conference.
21. Peace Prize = Nagroda pokojowa Peace Prize
22. peace sign = pacyfa, znak pokoju (symbol) peace sign
23. peace term = termin pokojowy peace term
25. peace offering = gest pojednawczy, gałązka oliwna peace offering
26. Peace Corps volunteer = Korpus Pokoju ochotnik Peace Corps volunteer
27. peace pact = pakt pokojowy peace pact
28. peace building = budynek pokojowy peace building
29. Peace River = Rzeka pokojowa Peace River
30. peace camp = obozowisko pacyfistów peace camp
31. peace maker = producent pokojowy peace maker
32. peace group = grupa pokojowa peace group
33. peace symbol = symbol pokojowy peace symbol
34. peace negotiator = negocjator pokojowy peace negotiator
35. peace table = tabela pokojowa peace table
36. peace rally = manifestacja pokojowa peace rally
peace + Verb
Kolokacji: 25
peace comes • peace returns • peace making • peace reigns • peace prevails • ...
Verb + peace
Kolokacji: 92
bring peace • achieve peace • maintain peace • restore peace • promote peace • negotiate peace • seek peace • make peace • ...
Adjektiv + peace
Kolokacji: 86
lasting peace • relative peace • international peace • inner peace • real peace • separate peace • little peace • uneasy peace • ...
Präposition + peace
Kolokacji: 19
toward peace • for peace • at peace • of peace • in peace • ...

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