"overwhelming" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

overwhelming Adjektiv

overwhelming + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 129
overwhelming majority • overwhelming support • overwhelming force • overwhelming number • overwhelming evidence • ...
1. overwhelming majority = przytłaczająca większość overwhelming majority
2. overwhelming support = entuzjastyczne wsparcie overwhelming support
  • He said the decision had been made with overwhelming support from faculty members.
  • The results of the survey, which cost $315,134, showed overwhelming support for the chief.
  • The plan has met with overwhelming support from parents here.
  • "We have the overwhelming support of the population across ethnic lines."
  • "But there was such overwhelming support that we decided to keep going."
  • "We have overwhelming support" from the community board and the block association, he said.
  • The decision to move met with overwhelming support, despite some sadness.
  • "The result was you had overwhelming support for the motion."
  • Such overwhelming support should send a message to the Senate to do the same.
  • He had overwhelming support among those Democrats who said they made over $100,000 a year.
4. overwhelming number = przytłaczająca liczba overwhelming number
5. overwhelming evidence = przytłaczające dowody overwhelming evidence
6. overwhelming odds = przytłaczające szanse overwhelming odds
7. overwhelming victory = wysokie zwycięstwo overwhelming victory
8. overwhelming sense = entuzjastyczny sens overwhelming sense
9. overwhelming success = przytłaczający sukces overwhelming success
10. overwhelming desire = nieodparte pragnienie overwhelming desire
11. overwhelming response = entuzjastyczna odpowiedź overwhelming response
12. overwhelming vote = entuzjastyczny głos overwhelming vote
13. overwhelming power = przytłaczająca moc overwhelming power
14. overwhelming margin = przytłaczający margines overwhelming margin
15. overwhelming advantage = przytłaczająca zaleta overwhelming advantage
16. overwhelming feeling = wszechogarniające uczucie overwhelming feeling
17. overwhelming need = przytłaczająca potrzeba overwhelming need
18. overwhelming urge = nieodparte pragnienie overwhelming urge
19. overwhelming presence = przytłaczająca obecność overwhelming presence
20. overwhelming superiority = przytłaczająca wyższość overwhelming superiority
21. overwhelming amount = przytłaczająca ilość overwhelming amount
22. overwhelming demand = entuzjastyczne żądanie overwhelming demand
23. overwhelming favorite = przytłaczający ulubieniec overwhelming favorite
Verb + overwhelming
Kolokacji: 3
become overwhelming • prove overwhelming • feel overwhelming
Adverb + overwhelming
Kolokacji: 7
most overwhelming • seemingly overwhelming • pretty overwhelming • somewhat overwhelming • absolutely overwhelming • ...
overwhelming + Präposition
Kolokacji: 3
overwhelming for • overwhelming in • overwhelming to

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