"outside" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

outside Adjektiv

outside + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 244
outside world • outside wall • outside expert • outside force • outside help • outside linebacker • outside influence • outside source • ...
1. outside world = świat zewnętrzny outside world
2. outside wall = zewnętrzna ściana outside wall
3. outside expert = ekspert z zewnątrz outside expert
4. outside force = poza siłą outside force
5. outside help = pomoc z zewnątrz (np. spoza firmy) outside help
6. outside influence = wpływy z zewnątrz outside influence
7. outside linebacker = poza linebacker outside linebacker
8. outside source = zewnętrzne źródło outside source
9. outside director = dyrektor zewnętrzny outside director
10. outside door = poza drzwiami outside door
12. outside edge = zewnętrzny brzeg outside edge
13. outside chance = niewielka szansa, mała szansa outside chance
14. outside air = poza powietrzem outside air
17. outside group = poza grupą outside group
  • The plan also would call for hiring an outside group to study whether progress was being made in Iraq.
  • Friday Friends meet once a month and many outside groups use the church facilities.
  • Details of meetings between officials and outside groups will not have to be published.
  • It was used for many activities both by the church and outside groups.
  • The most serious, was a challenge to the license in 1996 by two outside groups.
  • The Republicans also have their share of outside groups to help pull out voters.
  • Two other advertisements made by outside groups have already been shown.
  • To make those available to an outside group is something that no other president has done in our history.
  • Chief executives are in high demand, but few speak to outside groups.
  • But under the city's plan to diminish the group's role, outside groups would defend about 50,000 cases a year.
18. outside interference = ingerencja z zewnątrz outside interference
19. outside counsel = poza pełnomocnikiem procesowym outside counsel
20. outside company = poza spółką outside company
21. outside consultant = zewnętrzny konsultant outside consultant
22. outside corner = zewnętrzny kąt outside corner
23. outside interest = dodatkowy interes outside interest
24. outside contractor = poza przedsiębiorcą outside contractor
25. outside agency = poza agencją outside agency
26. outside shooting = poza zabójstwem outside shooting
27. outside shot = poza strzałem outside shot
28. outside firm = poza firmą outside firm
29. outside intervention = poza interwencją outside intervention
30. outside Switzerland = poza Szwajcarią outside Switzerland
31. outside power = poza mocą outside power
32. outside temperature = temperatura na zewnątrz outside temperature
33. outside organization = poza organizacją outside organization
34. outside auditor = poza audytorem outside auditor
35. outside lawyer = poza prawnikiem outside lawyer
36. outside party = poza stroną outside party
38. outside light = zewnętrzne światło outside light
39. outside supplier = zewnętrzny dostawca outside supplier
40. outside support = poza poparciem outside support
41. outside income = poza dochodem outside income
42. outside town = poza miastem outside town
43. outside activity = poza działalnością outside activity
44. outside aid = poza pomocą outside aid
45. outside work = praca na zewnątrz, praca w terenie outside work
46. outside adviser = poza doradcą outside adviser
48. outside surface = zewnętrzna powierzchnia outside surface
49. outside investment = poza inwestycją outside investment
50. outside shooter = poza spluwą outside shooter
51. outside threat = poza groźbą outside threat
outside + Präposition
Kolokacji: 3
outside in • outside with • outside for

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