"outer" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

outer Adjektiv

outer + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 215
outer space • outer wall • outer edge • outer layer • outer door • outer surface • outer office • outer shell • outer world • outer rim • ...
1. outer space = przestrzeń kosmiczna, kosmos outer space
2. outer wall = ściana zewnętrzna outer wall
3. outer edge = zewnętrzny brzeg outer edge
4. outer door = zewnętrzne drzwi outer door
5. outer layer = warstwa zewnętrzna outer layer
6. outer surface = zewnętrzna powierzchnia outer surface
7. outer office = sekretariat, recepcja (w firmie) outer office
8. outer world = inny świat outer world
9. outer shell = zewnętrzna powłoka (np. owada) outer shell
10. outer rim = najdalszy brzeg outer rim
  • Fox knew they were approaching the outer rim of the station.
  • He began to move along the outer rim of the temporary tent community.
  • There is also a small crater attached to the western outer rim.
  • You must bring hir to a world on the outer rim.
  • Then she changed her pitch, and the outer rim turned yellow.
  • Go around again and add some bulk to the outer rim.
  • The outer rim was rigid enough, however, and he found it supported his weight.
  • However, there were small rooms around the outer rim, under the roof, and in one of these he made camp.
  • Twelve men sat around the outer rim of the square.
  • What remains today is the outer rim of the original circular island.
11. outer ring = zewnętrzny pierścień outer ring
12. outer limit = najdalszy limit outer limit
13. outer suburb = zewnętrzna dzielnica podmiejska outer suburb
14. outer skin = naskórek outer skin
15. outer planet = planeta zewnętrzna outer planet
16. outer room = zewnętrzny pokój outer room
17. outer part = najdalsza część outer part
18. outer lip = zewnętrzna warga outer lip
19. outer side = zewnętrzna strona outer side
20. outer reach = zewnętrzny zasięg outer reach
21. outer hull = najdalszy strąk outer hull
22. outer borough = zewnętrzna dzielnica outer borough
23. outer garment = wierzchnia część garderoby outer garment
24. outer circle = zewnętrzny krąg outer circle
25. outer fringe = zewnętrzny skraj outer fringe
26. outer margin = najdalszy margines outer margin
27. outer membrane = zewnętrzna błona outer membrane
28. outer perimeter = najdalsza granica outer perimeter
29. outer darkness = najdalsza ciemność outer darkness
30. outer island = zewnętrzna wyspa outer island
31. outer atmosphere = zewnętrzna atmosfera outer atmosphere
32. outer leaf = zewnętrzny liść outer leaf
33. outer end = zewnętrzny koniec outer end
34. outer area = zewnętrzny obszar outer area
35. outer movement = zewnętrzny ruch outer movement
36. outer envelope = zewnętrzna koperta outer envelope
37. outer gate = najdalsza bramka outer gate
38. outer system = najdalszy system outer system
39. outer corner = zewnętrzny kącik (np. oka) outer corner
40. outer section = najdalsza część outer section
41. outer portion = najdalsza część outer portion
42. outer panel = zewnętrzny panel outer panel
43. outer chamber = zewnętrzna sala outer chamber
44. outer region = zewnętrzny region outer region
45. outer boundary = zewnętrzna granica outer boundary
46. outer court = zewnętrzny sąd outer court
47. outer casing = zewnętrzna obudowa outer casing
48. outer clothing = wierzchnia odzież outer clothing
49. outer band = zewnętrzny zespół outer band
50. outer wing = zewnętrzne skrzydło outer wing
51. outer hatch = zewnętrzny właz outer hatch
52. outer courtyard = zewnętrzny dziedziniec outer courtyard
53. outer face = najdalsza twarz outer face
54. outer defense = zewnętrzna obrona outer defense
55. outer covering = zewnętrzne przykrywanie outer covering
56. outer ear = ucho zewnętrzne outer ear
57. outer coat = wierzchni płaszcz outer coat

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