"oral" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

oral Adjektiv

oral + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 131
oral history • oral tradition • oral sex • oral argument • oral contraceptive • Oral Habit • Oral treat • oral cavity • oral medication • ...
1. oral history = historia mówiona (dział historii zajmujący się przekazami ustnymi) oral history
3. oral sex = seks oralny oral sex
4. oral argument = wystąpienie stron w sądzie, argument ustny oral argument
6. Oral Habit = Ustny Zwyczaj Oral Habit
7. Oral treat = Ustna przyjemność Oral treat
8. oral cavity = jama ustna oral cavity
11. oral hygiene = higiena jamy ustnej oral hygiene
  • If you're at risk for heart disease or have it already, good oral hygiene is key.
  • But most bad breath is the result of poor oral hygiene.
  • Taking care of your oral hygiene at home every day is crucial.
  • The challenge of the week, the fine had to become experts in oral hygiene.
  • They include implementing good oral hygiene at an early age.
  • People with good oral hygiene may just be taking better care of themselves.
  • Even if you practice the best oral hygiene, there are bacteria in your mouth.
  • None of this is to say that good oral hygiene isn't essential.
  • A few simple habits that most of us learned as children are pretty much all you need to maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Learn about the few simple habits that are all you need to maintain good oral hygiene.
12. oral cancer = nowotwór szczęki oral cancer
13. oral examination = egzamin ustny oral examination
14. oral surgeon = chirurg szczękowy, chirurg dentystyczny oral surgeon
16. oral polio vaccine = ustna szczepionka choroby Heinego-Medina oral polio vaccine
17. oral presentation = prezentacja ustna oral presentation
18. oral health = higiena jamy ustnej oral health
19. oral dose = ustna dawka oral dose
20. oral agreement = umowa ustna (niekoniecznie wiążąca prawnie) oral agreement
21. oral surgery = chirurgia stomatologiczna oral surgery
22. oral drug = doustny lek oral drug
23. oral communication = ustna komunikacja oral communication
24. oral exam = egzamin ustny oral exam
27. oral form = ustny formularz oral form
28. oral literature = ustna literatura oral literature
29. oral language = ustny język oral language

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