"operate" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

operate Verb

operate + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 124
operate facilities • operate vehicles • operate offices • operate buses • operate trains • operate aircraft • operate flights • ...
Verb + operate
Kolokacji: 26
continue operating • begin operating • start operating • continue to operate • designed to operate • allow to operate • ...
operate + Präposition
Kolokacji: 52
operate on • operate under • operated by • operate until • operate within • operate without • operated since • operate throughout • ...
2. operate at = obsługiwać przy operate at
3. operate under = obsługuj poniżej operate under
4. operated by = obsługiwany przez operated by
5. operate until = obsługiwać do czasu gdy operate until
6. operate within = obsługuj wewnątrz operate within
7. operate without = obsługuj na zewnątrz operate without
  • Almost every government in it is operating without the support of its people.
  • Still, she would be able to operate much better without the girl in her way.
  • The state often operates for months on end without a budget.
  • "Some parts of our team operate without the other's knowledge."
  • From the 1960s, several commercial lines were operated in Japan, without much success.
  • The club has operated since June without a chief business executive.
  • For the last five years, the league has operated without a working agreement with its players.
  • It is the first time since 1939 that either side has operated without those rules.
  • With a 60-strong crew, it could operate for almost three years without any help.
  • But despite all the time that's passed, most businesses are far from operating without paper.
8. operated since = obsługiwany od tej pory operated since
10. operate outside = obsługuj na zewnątrz operate outside
11. operate in = prowadź działalność operate in
12. operate through = obsługuj całkowicie operate through
14. operate near = obsługuj blisko operate near
15. operate from = obsługiwać z operate from
16. operate with = obsługiwać z operate with
17. operate during = obsługiwać podczas operate during
18. operate along = obsługuj wzdłuż operate along
22. operate for = obsługiwać dla operate for
23. operate via = obsługiwać przez operate via
24. operate over = obsługiwać ponad operate over
26. operate off = obsługiwać daleko operate off
28. operate to = obsługiwać aby operate to
29. operate into = obsługiwać do operate into
30. operate about = obsługiwać około operate about
31. operate of = obsługiwać z operate of
32. operate inside = obsługuj do środka operate inside
33. operate behind = obsługuj z tyłu operate behind
35. operate before = obsługuj wcześniej operate before
36. operate upon = obsługiwać na operate upon
37. operate below = obsługuj poniżej operate below
38. operate out of = obsługiwać na zewnątrz z operate out of
39. operate beyond = obsługuj dalej operate beyond
40. operate above = obsługuj wyżej operate above
operate + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 136
operate independently • continuously operate • operate primarily • manually operated • operate mainly • jointly operated • ...

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