"officially" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

officially Adverb

Verb + officially
Kolokacji: 337
officially opened • officially recognized • officially announce • officially released • officially named • officially launched • ...
14. officially retire = oficjalnie przejdź na emeryturę officially retire
36. officially used = oficjalnie używany officially used
41. officially unveiled = oficjalnie o odsłoniętej twarzy officially unveiled
44. officially endorsed = oficjalnie udzielić poparcia officially endorsed
52. officially go = oficjalnie pójdź officially go
56. officially come = oficjalnie przyjdź officially come
57. officially referred = oficjalnie odnieść się officially referred
62. officially become = oficjalnie stój się officially become
64. officially titled = oficjalnie zatytułować officially titled
65. officially reopened = oficjalnie ponownie otworzyć officially reopened
71. officially move = oficjalnie rusz się officially move
73. officially denied = oficjalnie zaprzeczyć officially denied
  • The Government officially denied any evidence that a criminal act had happened.
  • Reports of his death were officially denied in early January 2005.
  • Although the report was officially denied, it drove the dollar down.
  • The government officially denies any state sponsorship of that, and I want to take them at their word.
  • The Serbian government has officially denied reports of war crimes.
  • The closing of the program was officially denied and maintained top secret until 1989.
  • The existence of the secret protocol was officially denied until 1989.
  • The incident was officially denied by the government in Istanbul.
  • They were all officially denied, but they must have done it!
  • Some towns officially deny having any problem, and others do little or nothing about the problem, the report said.
78. officially cease = oficjalnie zaprzestanie officially cease
79. officially resign = oficjalnie zrezygnuj officially resign
82. officially exist = oficjalnie istniej officially exist
83. officially assigned = oficjalnie przydzielić officially assigned
officially + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 18
officially neutral • officially dead • officially bilingual • officially open • officially available • ...

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