"officer" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

officer Substantiv

Substantiv + officer
Kolokacji: 233
police officer • army officer • executive officer • intelligence officer • security officer • staff officer • Navy officer • correction officer • ...
officer + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 40
officer corps • officer training • officer cadet • officer rank • officer candidate • ...
officer + Verb
Kolokacji: 434
officer arrives • officer shoots • officer stands • officer arrests • officer fires • officer responds • officer enters • officer kills • ...
Verb + officer
Kolokacji: 155
officer assigned • officer accused • train officers • elect officers • allow officers • send officers • officer involved • include officers • ...
Adjektiv + officer
Kolokacji: 268
senior officer • military officer • financial officer • British officer • commanding officer • naval officer • young officer • medical officer • ...
6. naval officer = oficer marynarki wojennej naval officer
7. young officer = młody urzędnik young officer
9. fellow officer = współ- urzędnik fellow officer
12. junior officer = oficer młodszy junior officer
14. superior officer = oficer przełożony superior officer
15. top officer = główny urzędnik top officer
16. German officer = Niemiecki urzędnik German officer
17. French officer = Francuski urzędnik French officer
22. Iraqi officer = Irakijczyk urzędnik Iraqi officer
24. Russian officer = Rosyjski urzędnik Russian officer
25. experienced officer = doświadczony urzędnik experienced officer
27. general officer = generał (stopień wojskowy), gen. (skrót) general officer
30. political officer = oficer polityczny (stanowisko w armiach Układu Warszawskiego) political officer
31. legal officer = urzędnik sądowy legal officer
33. black officer = czarnoskóry urzędnik black officer
34. Soviet officer = Radziecki urzędnik Soviet officer
36. only officer = jedyny urzędnik only officer
37. federal officer = federalny urzędnik federal officer
38. Israeli officer = Izraelski urzędnik Israeli officer
39. highest-ranking officer = wysoki-ranking urzędnik highest-ranking officer
40. regular officer = zwykły funkcjonariusz regular officer
41. petty officer = mat (w marynarce wojennej) petty officer
42. high officer = wysoki urzędnik high officer
43. good officer = dobry urzędnik good officer
44. fiscal township officer = fiskalny urzędnik społeczności miejskiej fiscal township officer
47. Indian officer = Indyjski urzędnik Indian officer
48. additional officer = dodatkowy urzędnik additional officer
50. old officer = stary urzędnik old officer
51. executive officer = członek kadry kierowniczej executive officer
54. principal officer = pierwszy urzędnik principal officer
55. Polish officer = Polski urzędnik Polish officer
58. responsible officer = odpowiedzialny urzędnik responsible officer
60. foreign service officer = urzędnik służby dyplomatycznej foreign service officer
61. Japanese officer = Japoński urzędnik Japanese officer
62. armed police officer = uzbrojony funkcjonariusz policji armed police officer
63. local police officer = miejscowy funkcjonariusz policji local police officer
64. judicial officer = urzędnik sądowy, pracownik wymiaru sprawiedliwości judicial officer
65. Nazi officer = Nazistowski urzędnik Nazi officer
67. individual officer = indywidualny funkcjonariusz individual officer
68. English officer = Angielski urzędnik English officer
69. Spanish officer = Hiszpański urzędnik Spanish officer
70. correctional officer = więzienny urzędnik correctional officer
71. wounded officer = urzędnik rannych wounded officer
72. tactical officer = taktyczny funkcjonariusz tactical officer
73. full-time officer = urzędnik na pełnym etacie full-time officer
74. male officer = urzędnik płci męskiej male officer
75. extra officer = wyjątkowy funkcjonariusz extra officer
76. Norwegian officer = Norweski urzędnik Norwegian officer
77. subordinate officer = niższy rangą urzędnik subordinate officer
78. best officer = najlepszy urzędnik best officer
  • I expect you'll prove yourself to be one of the best nuclear officers who's ever been in the program.
  • So starts 'just another day at the office' for what is arguably one of the best General officers known to history.
  • And one of the best young officers we had, too.
  • Then how come one of our best officers ends up with his face wired together?
  • You know why my two best officers are not on board.
  • He was the best commanding officer a ship ever had.
  • But I want you to dispatch, immediately, one of your best medical officers.
  • A century of the Tenth sent with his best officers to their homes, perhaps.
  • A handful of the best young officers in the field.
  • Your superiors tell me that you are the best officer they have.
79. national officer = krajowy urzędnik national officer
80. fine officer = wytworny urzędnik fine officer
81. Australian officer = Australijski urzędnik Australian officer
82. active officer = aktywny urzędnik active officer
83. civil officer = urzędnik państwowy civil officer
84. loyal officer = lojalny urzędnik loyal officer
85. scientific officer = naukowy urzędnik scientific officer
86. single officer = stanu wolnego urzędnik single officer
87. Hispanic officer = Iberyjski urzędnik Hispanic officer
88. Canadian officer = Kanadyjski urzędnik Canadian officer
89. Chinese officer = Chiński urzędnik Chinese officer
90. Italian officer = Włoski urzędnik Italian officer
91. certain officer = pewny urzędnik certain officer
92. Prussian officer = Prusak urzędnik Prussian officer
94. Serbian officer = Serb urzędnik Serbian officer
95. competent officer = kompetentny urzędnik competent officer
Präposition + officer
Kolokacji: 28
among officers • against officers • between officers • by officers • including officers • ...

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