"officer" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

officer Substantiv

Substantiv + officer
Kolokacji: 233
police officer • army officer • executive officer • intelligence officer • security officer • staff officer • Navy officer • correction officer • ...
6. staff officer = oficer sztabowy, sztabowiec staff officer
9. investment officer = urzędnik inwestycyjny investment officer
10. liaison officer = oficer łącznikowy, łącznik (w wojsku) liaison officer
11. operations officer = oficer operacyjny (w porcie) operations officer
13. information officer = pracownik biura informacyjnego information officer
  • He asked her, "Do you have a public information officer on duty?"
  • He was commissioned as an information officer in November 1943.
  • That's great, and did they tell you what their public information officer has done?
  • On weekends, information officers are now available at the airport.
  • That means fewer people may be reporting to the chief information officers of the future.
  • To manage it all, he hired a chief information officer just for the house.
  • He had also been chief information officer for three years at Kraft.
  • He got a first taste of his future life serving as a public information officer in the Navy.
  • An information officer said that the buses hadn't run the day before, but the roads were clear now.
  • Cash compensation for information officers rose, by almost 8 percent.
14. customs officer = celnik, celniczka, urzędnik urzędu celnego customs officer
16. duty officer = oficer dyżurny duty officer
21. technology officer = urzędnik ds. technologii technology officer
22. immigration officer = przedstawiciel urzędu imigracyjnego, urzędnik imigracyjny immigration officer
24. loan officer = inspektor kredytowy loan officer
27. watch officer = oficer wachtowy watch officer
28. career officer = urzędnik zawodowy career officer
29. press officer = rzecznik prasowy press officer
30. law officer = przedstawiciel prawa law officer
31. township officer = urzędnik społeczności miejskiej township officer
32. court officer = urzędnik sądowy court officer
34. health officer = inspektor sanitarny health officer
35. peace officer = funkcjonariusz pokojowy peace officer
36. company officer = porucznik lub kapitan company officer
37. affairs officer = interesy zapewniają kadrę oficerską affairs officer
40. state officer = funkcjonariusz państwowy state officer
41. president chief officer = prezydent główny urzędnik president chief officer
42. prison officer = strażnik więzienny, strażniczka więzienna, oddziałowy, oddziałowa prison officer
46. SS officer = Urzędnik SS SS officer
47. bank officer = urzędnik bankowy (pracownik autoryzowany do podpisywania dokumentów w imieniu banku, np. dyrektor filii) bank officer
48. law enforcement officer = funkcjonariusz organu ochrony porządku publicznego law enforcement officer
49. plainclothes officer = funkcjonariusz w ubraniu cywilnym plainclothes officer
51. Air Force officer = Oficer lotnictwa wojskowego Air Force officer
52. safety officer = osoba odpowiedzialna za przestrzeganie zasad BHP w miejscu pracy safety officer
53. CIA officer = CIA urzędnik CIA officer
54. chairman chief officer = przewodniczący główny urzędnik chairman chief officer
59. pilot officer = podporucznik lotnictwa pilot officer
62. deck officer = oficer pokładowy deck officer
63. district council officer = urzędnik rady lokalnej district council officer
64. U.S. officer = USA urzędnik U.S. officer
65. transit officer = urzędnik tranzytowy transit officer
66. narcotics officer = narkotyki dowodzą narcotics officer
67. case officer = urzędnik przypadku case officer
69. compliance officer = specjalista ds. zapewnienia zgodności, specjalista ds. minimalizowania ryzyka braku zgodności działań firmy z prawem compliance officer
70. traffic officer = urzędnik drogowy traffic officer
73. research officer = funkcjonariusz badawczy research officer
74. relations officer = związki dowodzą relations officer
75. city police officer = funkcjonariusz policji miasta city police officer
77. RAF officer = Urzędnik RAF RAF officer
78. personnel officer = urzędnik działu kadr, pracownik działu kadr personnel officer
79. weapons officer = broń dowodzi weapons officer
81. line officer = oficer liniowy line officer
82. education officer = kurator oświatowy na szczeblu regionu education officer
83. KGB officer = KGB urzędnik KGB officer
84. hearing officer = funkcjonariusz ds. przesłuchań hearing officer
85. supply officer = oficer zaopatrzenia supply officer
86. brother officer = urzędnik brata brother officer
officer + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 40
officer corps • officer training • officer cadet • officer rank • officer candidate • ...
officer + Verb
Kolokacji: 434
officer arrives • officer shoots • officer stands • officer arrests • officer fires • officer responds • officer enters • officer kills • ...
Verb + officer
Kolokacji: 155
officer assigned • officer accused • train officers • elect officers • allow officers • send officers • officer involved • include officers • ...
Adjektiv + officer
Kolokacji: 268
senior officer • military officer • financial officer • British officer • commanding officer • naval officer • young officer • medical officer • ...
Präposition + officer
Kolokacji: 28
among officers • against officers • between officers • by officers • including officers • ...

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