"noble" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

noble Adjektiv

noble + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 191
noble family • noble house • noble birth • noble cause • noble man • noble title • noble lady • noble blood • noble gas • noble woman • ...
1. noble family = rodzina szlachecka noble family
2. noble house = wspaniały dom noble house
3. noble birth = szlacheckie narodziny noble birth
  • He might even be of some kind of noble birth.
  • It was almost enough to make him appreciate the fortune of his noble birth.
  • However, her father would not let them be married because he was so poor, and not of noble birth.
  • What could one do in this modern war, where noble birth and twenty years of service were needed to make a commander?
  • First, she is a young woman of noble birth.
  • A girl of noble birth falls in love with a servant and the two agree to get married.
  • Despite being of noble birth and having a very safe life, she is incredibly brave.
  • He was of noble birth but had never claimed the title for himself.
  • He was of noble birth, and intended by his parents for the legal profession.
  • It is not known whether he was of noble or common birth.
4. noble cause = szlachetna sprawa noble cause
5. noble man = szlachecki człowiek noble man
6. noble title = tytuł szlachecki noble title
7. noble lady = szlachecka pani noble lady
8. noble blood = szlachecka krew noble blood
9. noble gas = gaz szlachetny noble gas
10. noble woman = szlachecka kobieta noble woman
11. noble lord = szlachecki pan noble lord
12. noble thing = szlachecka rzecz noble thing
13. noble effort = szlachecki wysiłek noble effort
14. noble character = szlachetny charakter noble character
15. noble lineage = szlachecki rodowód noble lineage
16. noble purpose = szlachetny cel noble purpose
17. noble class = szlachecka klasa noble class
18. noble goal = szlachetny cel noble goal
19. noble deed = szlachetny postępek noble deed
Verb + noble
Kolokacji: 3
look noble • sound noble • feel noble
noble + Präposition
Kolokacji: 3
noble of • noble in • noble about

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