"mix" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

mix Verb

mix + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 106
mix feelings • mix elements • mix drinks • mix music • mix colors • ...
Verb + mix
Kolokacji: 9
begin mixing • start mixing • get mixed • involve mixing • want to mix • ...
mix + Präposition
Kolokacji: 25
mixed with • mix up • mix into • mixed in • mix on • ...
(1) with, up, into, in, on, ...
Kolokacji: 12
1. mixed about = zmieszany około mixed about
2. mixed during = zmieszany podczas mixed during
4. mix between = zmieszaj pośrodku mix between
  • It's also the question of mixing between these groups as well.
  • Mixing between the two groups is minimal, and informal segregation runs deep at almost every level of society.
  • Then we'll mix that up between arms, midsection and abdominal work.
  • Now a door in the container walls is opened to allow the gas particles to mix between the containers.
  • Historically, "race mixing" between black and white people was taboo in the United States.
  • A big problem, the officials said, was that Hamas mixed its money between political and military activities.
  • "Neutrinos will turn out to have a mass, and there will be mixing between their different states."
  • In Islam, mixing between men and women is strongly discouraged, especially when in private.
  • Mixing between the groups amounts to an occasional hello, a polite smile.
  • He continued to mix his time between half back and the midfield.
5. mix until = mieszać do czasu gdy mix until
6. mixed against = zmieszany przeciwko mixed against
7. mix among = mieszać wśród mix among
8. mix before = mieszanka wcześniej mix before
9. mix after = zmieszaj potem mix after
10. mixed through = zmieszany całkowicie mixed through
11. mix without = mieszanka na zewnątrz mix without
12. mix within = mieszanka wewnątrz mix within
13. mix under = zmieszaj poniżej mix under
mix + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 28
mixed together • mix well • generally mixed • mix thoroughly • mix freely • ...

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