"mistake" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

mistake Substantiv

Substantiv + mistake
Kolokacji: 8
mistake of one's life • rookie mistake • spelling mistake • policy mistake • category mistake • ...
mistake + Verb
Kolokacji: 22
mistake makes • mistake happens • mistake occurs • mistake causes • mistake leads • ...
Verb + mistake
Kolokacji: 37
correct mistakes • avoid mistakes • learn from one's mistakes • realize one's mistake • admit one's mistakes • make a mistake • ...
Adjektiv + mistake
Kolokacji: 117
big mistake • terrible mistake • serious mistake • bad mistake • fatal mistake • past mistake • common mistake • great mistake • ...
2. terrible mistake = straszny błąd terrible mistake
3. serious mistake = poważny błąd serious mistake
4. bad mistake = poważny błąd bad mistake
5. fatal mistake = kardynalny błąd fatal mistake
6. past mistake = za błędem past mistake
7. common mistake = pospolity błąd common mistake
8. great mistake = wielki błąd great mistake
9. huge mistake = olbrzymi błąd huge mistake
10. grave mistake = tragiczny błąd, fatalny błąd grave mistake
11. costly mistake = kosztowny błąd costly mistake
  • "But the way they're going about it could be a costly mistake."
  • And in some cases, he said, failure to do so can be a costly mistake.
  • We made a few costly mistakes and they got us.
  • That was a costly mistake; a dog would have gone the other way.
  • The enemy then began a series of very costly mistakes.
  • "It could have been a very costly mistake," he said.
  • "The Moscow group decided that they would show everybody the right way to be democratic, but it was a costly mistake."
  • It's all too clear what a costly mistake it was for the President not to have claimed this ground from the start.
  • But if he didn't take the time, there might be costly mistakes.
  • But some costly mistakes cost him his starting job last season and led to this season's loan deal.
13. major mistake = główny błąd major mistake
14. stupid mistake = głupi błąd stupid mistake
15. small mistake = mały błąd small mistake
16. tragic mistake = tragiczny błąd tragic mistake
17. only mistake = jedyny błąd only mistake
18. horrible mistake = okropny błąd horrible mistake
19. little mistake = mały błąd little mistake
20. single mistake = jeden błąd single mistake
21. tactical mistake = błąd taktyczny tactical mistake
22. simple mistake = prosty błąd simple mistake
23. mental mistake = intelektualny błąd mental mistake
24. political mistake = błąd polityczny political mistake
25. critical mistake = kluczowy błąd critical mistake
26. foolish mistake = głupi błąd foolish mistake
Präposition + mistake
Kolokacji: 14
by mistake • of mistakes • about mistakes • for mistakes • from one's mistakes • ...

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