"mind" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

mind Verb

mind + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 14
mind one's business • mind one's manners • mind people • mind sir • mind the store • ...
Verb + mind
Kolokacji: 6
bring to mind • come to mind • seem to mind • call to mind • tell to mind • ...
mind + Präposition
Kolokacji: 11
mind about • mind in • mind for • mind with • mind on • ...
mind + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 22
politically minded • mind terribly • technically minded • historically minded • internationally minded • ...
2. mind terribly = umysł szalenie mind terribly
3. technically minded = technicznie zwracać uwagę technically minded
4. historically minded = historycznie zwracać uwagę historically minded
5. traditionally minded = tradycyjnie zwracać uwagę traditionally minded
6. similarly minded = podobnie zwracać uwagę similarly minded
  • Moore wrote in his book that Kelly was "similarly minded, and one day took the time clock and used it as a football."
  • Current and former faculty members at the two universities said they could remember no lecturers who espoused a strong anti-science stance or similarly minded students.
  • Suddenly, a group of similarly minded people who had gathered in a bar were working with the campaign, albeit unofficially.
  • The dining room served a hearty breakfast, wolfed down by a lot of rugged-looking independent men, and a few similarly minded women.
  • His books have sold over 120,000 copies to similarly minded designers and to laymen alike.
  • These goals promote the production of "high quality programs" as well as "working cooperatively with other similarly minded people" to improve open source technologies.
  • Her wary alliance with a similarly minded alien forms the heart of this savvy and satisfying tale.
  • It had never been truer than at that moment: he and a similarly minded friend hardly knew whether to laugh or cry.
  • The controversy, which related to evangelism in the society, eventually led to the resignation of Crewdson and about 300 similarly minded people across the country.
  • It is to be hoped that the people of Lithuania choose to be similarly minded.
7. independently minded = samodzielnie zwracać uwagę independently minded
8. scientifically minded = naukowo zwracany uwagę scientifically minded
9. mechanically minded = mechanicznie zwracać uwagę mechanically minded
10. socially minded = prospołeczny socially minded
11. commercially minded = opłacalnie zwracać uwagę commercially minded
12. democratically minded = demokratycznie zwracać uwagę democratically minded
13. mind immediately = umysł natychmiast mind immediately
14. economically minded = gospodarczo zwracać uwagę economically minded
15. spiritually minded = duchowo zwracać uwagę spiritually minded
16. academically minded = naukowo myślący academically minded
17. philosophically minded = filozoficznie zwracany uwagę philosophically minded
18. conventionally minded = konwencjonalnie zwracać uwagę conventionally minded
(2) internationally, globally
Kolokacji: 2

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