"mighty" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

mighty Adjektiv

mighty + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 155
mighty river • mighty warrior • mighty man • mighty blow • mighty effort • ...
1. mighty river = ogromna rzeka mighty river
2. mighty warrior = potężny wojownik mighty warrior
3. mighty man = potężny człowiek mighty man
4. mighty blow = potężne uderzenie mighty blow
5. mighty effort = potężny wysiłek mighty effort
6. mighty force = potężna siła mighty force
7. Mighty Hero = Potężny Bohater Mighty Hero
8. mighty power = potężna moc mighty power
9. mighty army = potężne wojsko mighty army
10. mighty arm = ogromne ramię mighty arm
11. mighty hand = ogromna ręka mighty hand
12. mighty king = potężny król mighty king
13. mighty tree = ogromne drzewo mighty tree
  • Near me was a mighty tree with a strange, feathery foliage.
  • At the sea's edge, the mighty tree stopped and drew back.
  • Great orchards of mighty trees that tower into the blue for miles.
  • There was but a single way, and that led through the mighty, towering trees upon our right.
  • The winds blow crisp and cold now, The mighty trees are bare.
  • Usually he could feel at least something when he touched this mighty tree, no matter what the season.
  • I looked up at the mighty trees, stretching before me into the east.
  • Who wouldn't want to witness a seed grow into a mighty tree?
  • Then he saw the house beneath the mighty trees.
  • There'd been groves of mighty trees to either side of the road.

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