"meeting" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

meeting Substantiv

Substantiv + meeting
Kolokacji: 164
summit meeting • board meeting • council meeting • committee meeting • town meeting • cabinet meeting • emergency meeting • ...
meeting + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 21
meeting place • meeting hall • meeting room • meeting point • meeting house • ...
meeting + Verb
Kolokacji: 78
meeting ends • meeting occurs • meeting begins • meeting takes • meeting comes • meeting goes • meeting leads • meeting lasts • ...
Verb + meeting
Kolokacji: 117
organize meetings • conduct meetings • include meetings • begin meetings • recall one's meeting • take in meetings • ...
3. include meetings = obejmuj spotkania include meetings
5. recall one's meeting = przypominać sobie czyjś spotkanie recall one's meeting
  • Richard's fingers played with the card as he recalled their first meeting, 13 years ago, at Adam's party.
  • And she was right, he thought, recalling his last meeting with Brashieel.
  • "You recall our meeting in the shaft all those years ago?"
  • He recalled their first meeting, and what had led to it.
  • She recalled their meeting in the corridor the other day.
  • The song is a love duet, with the singers recalling their first meeting and how they felt.
  • They recall their first meeting, the night Hans came out of the storm.
  • He recalled their first meeting, when they all came in together.
  • You will probably not recall our meeting at the palace when I was presented to you.
  • She recalled their last meeting with twinges of pain which took her unexpectedly.
10. chair a meeting = przewodniczyć zebraniu, prowadzić spotkanie chair a meeting
14. participate in meetings = uczestnicz w spotkaniach participate in meetings
18. address a meeting = zwracać się do zebranych address a meeting
22. leave the meeting = zostaw spotkanie leave the meeting
23. use for meetings = wykorzystanie do spotkań use for meetings
24. tell a meeting = powiedz spotkanie tell a meeting
25. remember one's meeting = pamiętać czyjś spotkanie remember one's meeting
27. meeting is postponed = spotkanie jest odłożone meeting is postponed
28. raise at one's meeting = podnosić przy czyjś spotkanie raise at one's meeting
31. tell about one's meeting = mówić czyjś spotkanie tell about one's meeting
32. take to a meeting = weź spotkaniu take to a meeting
33. meeting is concluded = spotkanie jest zakończone meeting is concluded
Adjektiv + meeting
Kolokacji: 270
annual meeting • public meeting • private meeting • recent meeting • regular meeting • secret meeting • monthly meeting • ...
Präposition + meeting
Kolokacji: 27
of meetings • through meetings • since one's meeting • between meetings • with meetings • ...

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