"loud" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

loud Adjektiv

loud + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 176
loud voice • loud noise • loud music • loud sound • loud applause • loud cheer • loud explosion • loud crack • loud bang • loud cry • ...
1. loud voice = donośny głos loud voice
2. loud noise = głośny odgłos loud noise
3. loud music = głośna muzyka loud music
4. loud sound = głośny dźwięk loud sound
6. loud cheer = głośny okrzyk loud cheer
7. loud explosion = głośny wybuch loud explosion
8. loud crack = głośny trzask loud crack
9. loud bang = głośne huknięcie loud bang
10. loud cry = głośny krzyk loud cry
11. loud crash = ogłuszający wypadek loud crash
12. loud shout = głośny okrzyk loud shout
13. loud whisper = teatralny szept loud whisper
14. loud scream = głośny krzyk loud scream
15. loud laughter = głośny śmiech loud laughter
16. loud call = głośna rozmowa telefoniczna loud call
17. loud laugh = głośny śmiech loud laugh
18. loud protest = głośny protest loud protest
19. loud argument = głośny argument loud argument
20. loud roar = głośny ryk loud roar
21. loud report = głośny raport loud report
22. loud tone = głośny ton loud tone
23. loud sigh = głośne westchnienie loud sigh
24. loud thump = głośny głuchy odgłos loud thump
25. loud pop = głośny trzask loud pop
  • Then one day in practice, as she turned to get around a defender, her left knee gave way with a loud pop.
  • Every time a flare went up, it made a loud pop!
  • Inside the wood, a stick snapped with a loud pop.
  • The huge hand twisted and there was a loud "pop!"
  • The moment she did see it, the pistol gave off a loud pop.
  • There was a loud pop, and the man went limp.
  • Then there was a loud pop and he stopped stabbing.
  • The gun made a loud pop that sounded hollow in the open air.
  • It was harder in the air, but then I heard a loud pop.
  • He heard a loud pop and stopped cold, unable to move his left leg.
26. loud speaker = hałaśliwy mówiący loud speaker
Verb + loud
Kolokacji: 8
sound loud • grow loud • laugh loud • play loud • talk loud • ...
Adverb + loud
Kolokacji: 21
extremely loud • incredibly loud • particularly loud • unnaturally loud • painfully loud • ...

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