"lot" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

lot Substantiv

Substantiv + lot
Kolokacji: 147
parking lot • car lot • lot of fun • lot of folks • lot of money • lot of people • lot of talk • lot of trouble • lot of pressure • lot of noise • ...
lot + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 6
lot size • Lot department • lot people • lot number • lot line • ...
lot + Verb
Kolokacji: 92
lot thinks • lot goes • lot happens • lot looks • lot seems • lot likes • lot tries • lot knows • lot comes • lot feels • lot makes • lot uses • ...
1. lot thinks = los myśli lot thinks
3. lot happens = los zdarza się lot happens
4. lot looks = los patrzy lot looks
5. lot seems = los wydaje się lot seems
6. lot likes = los lubi lot likes
7. lot comes = los nadchodzi lot comes
8. lot knows = los wie lot knows
9. lot tries = los wystawia na próbę lot tries
10. lot feels = los czuje lot feels
11. lot makes = los robi lot makes
12. lot takes = los bierze lot takes
13. lot uses = los używa lot uses
14. lot sees = los widzi lot sees
15. lot says = los mówi lot says
16. lot gets = los dostaje lot gets
17. lot changes = zmiany losu lot changes
18. lot wants = los chce lot wants
19. lot starts = los zaczyna się lot starts
20. lot dies = los gaśnie lot dies
21. lot works = los skutkuje lot works
22. lot asks = los pyta lot asks
23. lot leaves = liście losu lot leaves
24. lot plays = los gra lot plays
25. lot depends = los zależy lot depends
26. lot finds = los znajduje lot finds
27. lot tells = los mówi lot tells
  • A lot of my colleagues back home in Chicago told me no.
  • "A lot of people told me not to get into this race," he said.
  • Even so, a lot of my friends told me to leave it alone.
  • A lot of people told me our wedding was the best they had ever been to.
  • A lot of people would just as soon not tell you who they are.
  • "A lot of kids won't tell their parents when they feel that way," he said.
  • A lot of people have told you that, but I mean it.
  • A lot of guys told me, 'Are you really going to run?
  • "A lot of people are telling me it was the right thing to do," he said.
  • And a fat lot of good it'll do them, he told himself.
28. lot talks = los rozmawia lot talks
29. lot believes = los wierzy lot believes
30. lot lives = życia losu lot lives
31. lot falls = los wypada lot falls
32. lot moves = los rusza się lot moves
33. lot needs = los potrzebuje lot needs
34. lot loses = los przegrywa lot loses
35. lot realizes = los realizuje lot realizes
36. lot understands = los rozumie lot understands
Verb + lot
Kolokacji: 99
pull into the parking lot • cast one's lot • throw in one's lot • spend a lot • waste a lot • owe a lot • drink a lot • learn a lot • attract a lot • ...
Adjektiv + lot
Kolokacji: 42
whole lot • awful lot • vacant lot • empty lot • small parking lot • ...
Präposition + lot
Kolokacji: 21
out of the parking lot • through a lot • under a lot • without a lot • with a lot • ...

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