"lightly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

lightly Adverb

Verb + lightly
Kolokacji: 187
taken lightly • lightly brown • lightly touch • rest lightly • say lightly • run lightly • tap lightly • tread lightly • step lightly • speak lightly • ...
(5) say, reply, answer
Kolokacji: 3
(8) speak, clad, chat
Kolokacji: 3
(13) defend, guard, smile, recruit
Kolokacji: 4
1. leap lightly = skocz lekko leap lightly
2. jump lightly = skocz lekko jump lightly
  • She came to her feet and jumped lightly onto the seat, one small hand on the catch-rope.
  • The king smiled, patted it with his hand and jumped lightly into the saddle.
  • Then he lightly jumped over me, tapping my hip with both feet before I could react.
  • They took it in turns to jump lightly down from the tunnel opening to the station platform below.
  • "I accept your challenge," she said, and jumped lightly from the back of her mount.
  • Saying this, he jumped lightly on to the sand.
  • Lily stood up and jumped lightly to the ground.
  • George jumped lightly to the ground from the aircar's open hatch.
  • Both jumped lightly, yet neither brought the choreography to life.
  • Seven had already opened the door and jumped lightly to the grass.
3. spring lightly = wiosna lekko spring lightly
4. skip lightly = podskocz lekko skip lightly
5. dance lightly = taniec lekko dance lightly
6. bounce lightly = odbij lekko bounce lightly
7. hop lightly = skok lekko hop lightly
8. lightly turn = lekko obróć się lightly turn
9. lightly boiled = lekko zagotować lightly boiled
10. vault lightly = sklepienie lekko vault lightly
11. bound lightly = poruszaj się lekko lekko bound lightly
12. tremble lightly = zadrżyj lekko tremble lightly
13. close lightly = blisko lekko close lightly
14. roll lightly = potocz lekko roll lightly
(16) toss, discard, traffic
Kolokacji: 3
(18) smoke, sigh
Kolokacji: 2
(22) trace, sketch
Kolokacji: 2
(23) shrug, applaud
Kolokacji: 2
(24) rain, snow, disguise
Kolokacji: 3
(25) punch, bite, prick
Kolokacji: 3
(26) freckle, fur
Kolokacji: 2
(27) drum, rattle
Kolokacji: 2
lightly + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 12
lightly floured • lightly armed • lightly brown • lightly seasoned • lightly shaded • ...

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