"lift" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

lift Verb

lift + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 129
lift weights • lift sanctions • lift restrictions • lift one's hand • lift one's head • lift one's arms • lift one's eyes • lift one's feet • ...
Verb + lift
Kolokacji: 22
help lift • try to lift • begin to lift • begin lifting • use to lift • ...
lift + Präposition
Kolokacji: 46
lift off • lift up • lift above • lift out • lift down • ...
lift + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 70
slowly lift • gently lift • lift high • finally lift • carefully lift • ...
(2) gently, high, quietly
Kolokacji: 3
(3) finally, eventually
Kolokacji: 2
(5) slightly, somewhat
Kolokacji: 2
1. suddenly lift = nagle podnieś się suddenly lift
2. successfully lift = z powodzeniem podnieś się successfully lift
3. lifted later = podniesiony później lifted later
4. gradually lift = stopniowo podnieś się gradually lift
5. lift upward = winda do góry lift upward
6. lift momentarily = podnieś się na chwilę lift momentarily
7. lift abruptly = podnieś się nagle lift abruptly
8. lift skyward = podnieś się ku niebu lift skyward
9. automatically lift = automatycznie podnieś się automatically lift
10. physically lift = fizycznie podnieś się physically lift
11. unilaterally lift = jednostronnie podnieś się unilaterally lift
12. once lift = kiedyś podnieś się once lift
13. occasionally lift = od czasu do czasu podnoś się occasionally lift
14. lift gracefully = podnieś się z gracją lift gracefully
15. obediently lift = posłusznie podnieś się obediently lift
16. lifted aloft = podniesiony wysoko lifted aloft
  • The duck was expected to be unharmed by being lifted aloft.
  • An Elf there was - Orgof - of the ancient race that was lost in the lands where the long marches from the quiet waters of Cuivienen were made in the mirk of the midworld's gloom, ere light was lifted aloft o'er earth; but blood of the Gnomes was blent in his veins.
  • Hollinrede felt himself being lifted aloft.
  • Lifted aloft, his eyes again opened; caught the bloody axe.
  • You men who will come later to inhabit these islands, remember the agony of arrival, the rising and the fall, the nothingness of the sea when storms throw down the rock, the triumph of the mountain when new rocks are lifted aloft.
  • Just when the pleasure seems greatest, an organ is conscientiously lifted aloft to provide a medical close-up.
  • He screamed, struggled, felt himself being lifted aloft, carried; laid flat on his back on a rough cold surface.
  • It seemed to be a stupendous gulf surrounded on three sides by bold, undulating lines of peaks, and on his side by a wall so high that he felt lifted aloft on the run of the sky.
  • A SHAMAN, WEARING A loincloth and an aboriginal mask, is lifted aloft by two men in business suits as a man carrying a banner roller-skates by.
  • Most bears must be lifted aloft along with the kite.
17. tenderly lift = delikatnie podnieś się tenderly lift
18. lift sharply = podnieś się ostro lift sharply
19. delicately lift = delikatnie podnieś się delicately lift
20. reluctantly lift = niechętnie podnieś się reluctantly lift
21. instinctively lift = instynktownie podnieś się instinctively lift
22. calmly lift = spokojnie podnieś się calmly lift
23. deftly lift = zręcznie podnieś się deftly lift
24. further lift = dalsza winda further lift
25. single-handedly lift = samodzielnie winda single-handedly lift
(7) away, aside
Kolokacji: 2
(9) clear, literally
Kolokacji: 2
(10) straight, vertically
Kolokacji: 2
(12) simply, merely
Kolokacji: 2
(13) temporarily, permanently
Kolokacji: 2
(14) actually, practically
Kolokacji: 2
(16) briefly, silently
Kolokacji: 2
(17) officially, formally
Kolokacji: 2

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