"legislative" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

legislative Adjektiv

legislative + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 229
Legislative Assembly • Legislative Council • legislative election • legislative session • legislative leader • legislative branch • ...
8. legislative body = ciało ustawodawcze, organ ustawodawczy legislative body
9. legislative process = proces legislacyjny legislative process
14. legislative action = czynność ustawodawcza, działalność ustawodawcza legislative action
15. legislative agenda = ustawodawczy program legislative agenda
16. legislative proposal = wniosek legislacyjny legislative proposal
17. legislative aide = ustawodawczy bliski współpracownik legislative aide
23. legislative act = akt prawodawczy, akt ustawodawczy legislative act
24. legislative initiative = inicjatywa prawodawcza, inicjatywa ustawodawcza legislative initiative
25. legislative effort = ustawodawczy wysiłek legislative effort
27. legislative issue = ustawodawcza kwestia legislative issue
28. legislative priority = ustawodawczy priorytet legislative priority
31. legislative program = program ustawodawczy legislative program
33. legislative counsel = ustawodawczy pełnomocnik procesowy legislative counsel
34. legislative battle = ustawodawcza bitwa legislative battle
35. legislative hearing = ustawodawczy słuch legislative hearing
39. Legislative Caucus = Ustawodawcza Grupa wewnątrz partii Legislative Caucus
43. legislative record = ustawodawczy rekord legislative record
44. legislative package = pakiet legislacyjny legislative package
45. legislative majority = ustawodawcza większość legislative majority
46. legislative measure = środek legislacyjny legislative measure
47. legislative function = funkcja ustawodawcza legislative function
48. legislative activity = działalność prawodawcza legislative activity
  • There may be little immediate political impact from the legislative activity.
  • There are no legal restrictions on the legislative activities of former lobbyists who get elected to Congress.
  • Some observers looked favorably upon her legislative activities, while others said that she should be less involved in politics.
  • "I can't point to any single thing," he said when asked why he chose the children's issue as a focus of his legislative activity.
  • Republicans were sent to Washington not just to set records of legislative activity, though that's been necessary to fulfill the contract.
  • In future, we will need to communicate the major priorities and issues of our legislative activity.
  • There has been a very great deal of legislative activity in recent years - in my view, almost too much.
  • There are two issues that are of concern and should probably be further considered in our legislative activities.
  • The public have exactly the same expectation of our legislative activity.
  • For example, you state that 90% of legislative activity is done through comitology.
49. legislative response = ustawodawcza odpowiedź legislative response
50. legislative matter = ustawodawcza sprawa legislative matter
51. legislative victory = ustawodawcze zwycięstwo legislative victory
52. Legislative Yuan = Ustawodawczy Juan Legislative Yuan
53. legislative candidate = ustawodawczy kandydat legislative candidate
55. legislative accomplishment = ustawodawcze osiągnięcie legislative accomplishment
56. legislative debate = ustawodawcza debata legislative debate
57. legislative career = ustawodawcza kariera legislative career
58. legislative business = ustawodawczy biznes legislative business
59. legislative staff = ustawodawczy personel legislative staff

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