"law" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

law Substantiv

Substantiv + law
Kolokacji: 367
state law • copyright law • tax law • canon law • immigration law • labor law • election law • Jude Law • bankruptcy law • Sharia law • ...
law + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 141
law firm • law degree • law enforcement • law school • law professor • law practice • law clerk • law partner • law review • law library • ...
law + Verb
Kolokacji: 216
law requires • law allows • law prohibits • law governing • law applies • law forbids • law banning • law regulating • law limits • ...
Verb + law
Kolokacji: 170
study law • practice law • enact laws • teach law • maintain law • law designed • adopt laws • impose law • establish law • create laws • ...
2. uphold the law = przestrzegać prawa, utrzymywać stosowanie prawa uphold the law
3. oppose the law = sprzeciw się prawu oppose the law
4. contain laws = zawieraj prawa contain laws
5. preserve law = zachowaj prawo preserve law
6. keep the law = przestrzegać ustawy, przestrzegać prawa keep the law
7. hold under law = trzymaj na mocy prawa hold under law
  • Among other things, the prisoners have been held long beyond the time allowable under international and Yugoslav law without any contact with judicial officers, lawyers or their families.
  • Jackson complained that the black community was being held under martial law.
  • Under the age of 8 years old - a child cannot be held responsible for his or her actions under criminal law.
  • Currently, the Counselor holds under law a rank equivalent to that of Under Secretary of State.
  • It cannot be held to antitrust enforcement in other jurisdictions by virtue of the doctrine of state immunity under public international law.
  • With the ruling made against Burns, the government effectively held Boston under martial law for the afternoon.
  • These prisoners were mainly held under German criminal law (Green triangle).
  • While publicly known facts and images of public figures are not generally protected, use of someone's image or personal history has been held actionable under French law.
  • They held the city under martial law for the duration of the Civil War.
  • Royal Dutch said in a statement that a special meeting could be held under Dutch law only if 10 percent of its shareholders agreed.
8. pursue in law = ścigaj według prawa pursue in law
9. seek under the law = szukaj zgodnie z prawem seek under the law
10. try under law = spróbuj na mocy prawa try under law
11. seek laws = szukaj praw seek laws
12. hold in law = trzymaj według prawa hold in law
13. retain laws = zachowaj prawa retain laws
14. ease laws = prawa łatwości ease laws
15. carry laws = nieś prawa carry laws
(6) design, aim, intend, mean
Kolokacji: 4
(8) impose, dictate, prescribe
Kolokacji: 3
(11) know, recognize, discriminate
Kolokacji: 4
(16) repeal, strike, abolish
Kolokacji: 3
(17) ignore, cover, initiate, treat
Kolokacji: 4
(20) specialize, protect
Kolokacji: 2
(21) base
Kolokacji: 2
(22) respect, observe, article
Kolokacji: 3
(23) ensure, guarantee
Kolokacji: 2
Adjektiv + law
Kolokacji: 344
federal law • international law • current law • martial law • criminal law • common law • local law • Islamic law • constitutional law • ...
Präposition + law
Kolokacji: 37
into law • by law • under law • of law • behind law • ...

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