"law" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

law Substantiv

Substantiv + law
Kolokacji: 367
state law • copyright law • tax law • canon law • immigration law • labor law • election law • Jude Law • bankruptcy law • Sharia law • ...
law + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 141
law firm • law degree • law enforcement • law school • law professor • law practice • law clerk • law partner • law review • law library • ...
law + Verb
Kolokacji: 216
law requires • law allows • law prohibits • law governing • law applies • law forbids • law banning • law regulating • law limits • ...
Verb + law
Kolokacji: 170
study law • practice law • enact laws • teach law • maintain law • law designed • adopt laws • impose law • establish law • create laws • ...
2. practice law = zajmować się prawem, praktykować prawo practice law
4. teach law = naucz prawa teach law
7. law designed = prawo zaprojektowało law designed
13. declare law = oznajmij prawo declare law
14. know as one's Law = wiedzieć jak czyjś Prawo know as one's Law
15. receive in law = otrzymaj według prawa receive in law
16. read law = studiować prawo read law
17. law known = prawo znany law known
18. see law = zobacz prawo see law
19. law aimed = prawo dążyło law aimed
20. check the copyright laws = sprawdź prawa autorskie check the copyright laws
21. bring law = zaprowadź ład bring law
22. sign into law = znak do prawa sign into law
23. begin against US laws = zacznij wbrew amerykańskim prawom begin against US laws
24. require by law = wymagaj przez prawo require by law
26. enforce the law = pilnować przestrzegania prawa, egzekwować prawo enforce the law
28. uphold the law = przestrzegać prawa, utrzymywać stosowanie prawa uphold the law
29. practise law = praktykować prawo practise law
30. strengthen laws = umocnij prawa strengthen laws
31. defy the laws = przeciwstaw się prawom defy the laws
32. enact into law = odegraj do prawa enact into law
33. pass a law = uchwalić ustawę, ustanowić prawo pass a law
  • They shouldn't have expected us to break our own law.
  • Three months ago, she and a few other women decided to break the law.
  • We're trying to get people not to break the law.
  • Staff should not break the law whatever industry they are in, full stop.
  • We knew some of us would break the one law.
  • In some cases phone numbers were available without the need to break the law.
  • Did he need to break the law in order to be successful?
  • In other words, it's fine for the president to break the law.
  • Still, even I cannot break the law that calls their power into being.
  • For now has come the time to break such laws.
35. pass into law = przejdź w prawo pass into law
36. law is repealed = prawo jest uchylone law is repealed
39. law is intended = prawo jest planowane law is intended
42. earn in law = zarób według prawa earn in law
45. sign a law = podpisz prawo sign a law
49. restore law = przywracać panowanie prawa restore law
50. law required = prawo wymagało law required
54. specialize in law = specjalizuj się według prawa specialize in law
55. base on law = podstawa na prawie base on law
57. law issued = prawo wydało law issued
58. formulate laws = sformułuj prawa formulate laws
61. graduate in law = absolwent według prawa graduate in law
62. take the law = studiuj prawo take the law
64. cite a law = przytocz prawo cite a law
65. oppose the law = sprzeciw się prawu oppose the law
66. law is needed = prawo jest potrzebne law is needed
67. law is extended = prawo jest poszerzone law is extended
68. law is based = prawo jest oparte law is based
69. law is executed = prawo jest zrealizowane law is executed
Adjektiv + law
Kolokacji: 344
federal law • international law • current law • martial law • criminal law • common law • local law • Islamic law • constitutional law • ...
Präposition + law
Kolokacji: 37
into law • by law • under law • of law • behind law • ...

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