"late" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

late Adverb

Verb + late
Kolokacji: 91
arrive late • work late • run late • sleep late • come late • get late • stay late • return late • start late • begin late • ...
1. arrive late = przyjdź z opóźnieniem arrive late
2. run late = spóźniać się run late
3. come late = przyjdź z opóźnieniem come late
4. get late = dostań późno get late
5. score late = zdobądź punkt późno score late
6. take late = weź późno take late
7. play late = zagraj późno play late
8. meet late = spotkaj późno meet late
9. sit late = usiądź późno sit late
  • As usual they sat late after dinner, talking endlessly.
  • One night she sat late, staring into the fire, long after he slept.
  • Their answer is basically to sit on the bench late into the spring postseason.
  • The picture depicts two people sitting in a diner late at night.
  • All the time the others sat late into the night Matthew lay on the rack pulled to pieces.
  • We sit late into the night telling stories about our families.
  • We sat late; it was the latest session I have known in the old George.
  • Laurana sat late at night, writing up her orders for the morrow.
  • He could see his father sitting late, late in the hall, with no one around him.
  • I could not sleep yet, I was sitting late, thinking about my boy.
10. lead late = zaprowadź późno lead late
11. drive late = prowadź późno drive late
12. hit late = uderz późno hit late
13. reach late = dojdź późno reach late
14. surge late = nagły przypływ późny surge late
15. retire late = przejdź na emeryturę późno retire late
(7) marry, diagnose, tie
Kolokacji: 3
(8) file, trail, falter, walk
Kolokacji: 4
(10) issue, appear, emerge, show
Kolokacji: 4
(11) eat, dissipate, shoot
Kolokacji: 3
(12) injure, suffer
Kolokacji: 2
(13) ripen, bloom, mature
Kolokacji: 3

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