"kick" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

kick Verb

kick + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 40
kick one's ass • kick one's legs • kick off one's shoes • kick one's feet • kick one's butt • kick the ball • kick the door • kick the habit • ...
Verb + kick
Kolokacji: 9
try to kick • want to kick • start kicking • begin kicking • go to kick • ...
kick + Präposition
Kolokacji: 37
kick off • kick out • kick up • kick around • kick down • ...
kick + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 51
kick aside • kick hard • kick away • accidentally kick • kick wildly • ...
(1) aside, away
Kolokacji: 2
(2) hard, high, gently
Kolokacji: 3
3. kick once = kopnij raz kick once
4. mentally kick = psychicznie kopniak mentally kick
5. kick about = dyskutować, analizować kick about
6. kick upward = kopniak do góry kick upward
7. suddenly kick = nagle kopniak suddenly kick
8. kicked upstairs = kopnięty na górze kicked upstairs
  • He'd probably be kicked upstairs to an administrative position at M3.
  • He doesn't strike me as the kind of priest who'd want to be kicked upstairs or anything like that.
  • A long-term noncorn who was kicked upstairs beyond his ability?
  • He'll be kicked upstairs for a year or so before taking early retirement.
  • "That," he announced rather thickly to no one in particular, "was the face of a man about to be kicked upstairs against his will."
  • "We'll get the materials but the rest we'll have to kick upstairs."
  • He tried to picture Emma, the girl who'd been carried kicking and screaming upstairs, doing that with a grown-up.
  • Had he been, in your own expressive phrase, kicked upstairs, the result would have been a major political crisis.
  • "That was when Grigory got kicked upstairs to his dead-end job."
  • So the boss has been kicked upstairs with the rest of the administrators: a bold bunch, those Y employees.
9. deliberately kick = rozmyślnie kopniak deliberately kick
10. successfully kick = z powodzeniem kopniak successfully kick
11. immediately kick = natychmiast kopniak immediately kick
12. idly kick = bezczynnie kopniak idly kick
13. inadvertently kick = nieumyślnie kopniak inadvertently kick
14. kick twice = kopnij dwa razy kick twice
15. kick vigorously = kopnij energicznie kick vigorously
16. occasionally kick = od czasu do czasu kopniak occasionally kick
17. kick sideways = kopnij w bok kick sideways
18. allegedly kick = rzekomo kopniak allegedly kick
19. casually kick = mimochodem kopniak casually kick
20. kick desperately = kopnij rozpaczliwie kick desperately
21. playfully kick = swawolnie kopniak playfully kick
(4) wildly, frantically, madly
Kolokacji: 3
(5) finally, eventually
Kolokacji: 2
(8) savagely, viciously
Kolokacji: 2
(9) backward, forward, backwards
Kolokacji: 3
(10) feebly, helplessly, weakly
Kolokacji: 3
(11) simply, literally
Kolokacji: 2
(12) futilely, vainly
Kolokacji: 2

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