"keep" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

keep Verb

keep + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 674
keep track • keep pace • keep watch • keep tabs • keep calm • keep score • keep vigil • keep count • keep thinking • keep hold • ...
Verb + keep
Kolokacji: 183
help keep • try keep • begin keeping • rely to keep • want keep • start keeping • struggle to keep • try to keep • strive to keep • ...
keep + Präposition
Kolokacji: 85
keep up • keep out • keep down • keep back • keep under • ...
1. keep off for = nie zbliżać się dla keep off for
2. keep up after = nadąż potem keep up after
3. keep in spite of = nie okazywać złośliwości z keep in spite of
4. keep atop = trzymać na keep atop
  • More men, cradling crossbows, kept watch atop the two gate towers.
  • To keep atop the market, Perrier has given itself a limited budget - just $10 million in print and outdoor advertising over three years.
  • Nick Price (71) will need to pick up the pace if he is to keep his position atop the money list.
  • Since that day, the small keep atop its stony height had been swallowed by the forest.
  • He ran on, his light steps keeping him atop the snow pack.
  • Mac kept a hand atop it so it wouldn't fly open.
  • The real watch were keeping a fire burning atop the wall.
  • The victory kept North Carolina State, 17-5 over all, atop the conference with an 8-2 record.
  • They kept him prisoner atop a tower of sandstone five hundred feet high and falling sheer on every side.
  • The victory raised the Giants' record to 4-0 and kept them atop their division.
5. keep except for = trzymać oprócz keep except for
6. keep regardless of = trzymać niezależnie od keep regardless of
7. keep up against = nadążać przeciwko keep up against
8. keep alongside = trzymać wzdłuż keep alongside
9. keep except = trzymać tyle że keep except
10. keep towards = trzymać w kierunku keep towards
11. keep amid = trzymać wśród keep amid
12. keep by means of = trzymać przez sposób z keep by means of
13. keep amongst = trzymać wśród keep amongst
14. keep such as = trzymać taki jak keep such as
15. keep out with = nie wchodzić z keep out with
keep + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 168
keep quiet • keep alive • keep warm • keep silent • keep busy • keep up-to-date • keep secret • keep confidential • keep intact • ...

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