"impose" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

impose Verb

impose + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 92
impose sanctions • impose restrictions • impose taxes • impose penalties • impose limits • impose rules • impose conditions • ...
3. impose restrictions = wprowadzać ograniczenia impose restrictions
7. impose conditions = stawiać warunki impose conditions
8. impose requirements = stawiaj wymagania impose requirements
9. impose fines = nałóż grzywny impose fines
10. impose order = nałóż porządek impose order
11. impose tariffs = nakładaj taryfy impose tariffs
12. impose standards = narzucaj wzorce impose standards
14. impose law = narzuć prawo impose law
15. impose duties = nałóż cła impose duties
16. impose costs = nałóż koszty impose costs
  • It would impose new costs on companies that now spend little or nothing for such benefits.
  • However that same freedom imposes costs on people and the environment.
  • The government can limit it only when one person's choice imposes costs on the rest of society.
  • It would also impose huge new costs on that same economy and cost jobs.
  • The court may impose costs and assessments, but not a fine.
  • But consumer groups warned that the new law would still impose significant costs.
  • The bill would impose new costs on states that can't afford them, they say.
  • Increased spending at the top also imposes other costs on those below.
  • We need to take great care not to impose unnecessary additional costs on these companies.
  • So one country cannot impose costs on its operators which are not charged in other countries.
18. impose fees = nałóż opłaty impose fees
21. impose obligations = nałóż obowiązki impose obligations
22. impose a ban = nałożyć zakaz impose a ban
26. impose a curfew = wprowadzić godzinę policyjną impose a curfew
28. impose terms = narzucać warunki impose terms
29. impose measures = narzuć wskaźniki impose measures
30. impose one's views = nakładać czyjś widoki impose one's views
31. impose limitations = nałożyć ograniczenia impose limitations
32. impose constraints = narzuć przymusy impose constraints
33. impose cuts = nałóż cięcia impose cuts
34. impose policies = narzuć polityki impose policies
Verb + impose
Kolokacji: 10
seek to impose • try to impose • want to impose • attempt to impose • begin imposing • ...
impose + Präposition
Kolokacji: 31
impose on • impose upon • imposed by • impose against • imposed after • ...
impose + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 33
unilaterally impose • externally imposed • simply impose • originally imposed • immediately impose • ...

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