"illness" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

illness Substantiv

Substantiv + illness
Kolokacji: 10
breathing illness • childhood illness • family illness • mystery illness • stomach illness • ...
illness + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 6
illness onset • illness outbreak • illness strike • illness prevention • illness rate • ...
illness + Verb
Kolokacji: 33
Illness explores • caused by breathing illnesses • illness forces • illness affects • illness prevents • ...
Verb + illness
Kolokacji: 51
cause illness • treat illnesses • prevent illness • suffer from illness • suffer an illness • ...
Adjektiv + illness
Kolokacji: 135
Food-borne Illness • mental illness • long illness • serious illness • chronic illness • terminal illness • severe illness • brief illness • ...
1. Food-borne Illness = Spożywczy-znieść/znosić Choroba Food-borne Illness
3. long illness = długa choroba long illness
7. terminal illness = choroba terminalna (nieuleczalna, zwykle śmiertelna) terminal illness
8. brief illness = krótka choroba brief illness
9. respiratory illness = choroba układu oddechowego respiratory illness
11. short illness = krótka choroba short illness
12. life-threatening illness = zagrażająca życiu choroba life-threatening illness
13. fatal illness = śmiertelna choroba fatal illness
14. psychiatric illness = psychiczna choroba psychiatric illness
15. sudden illness = nagła choroba sudden illness
16. mysterious illness = tajemnicza choroba mysterious illness
17. prolonged illness = przedłużająca się choroba prolonged illness
18. final illness = ostatnia choroba final illness
19. acute illness = choroba o ostrym przebiegu acute illness
20. lengthy illness = przydługa choroba lengthy illness
21. catastrophic illness = katastrofalna choroba catastrophic illness
22. Aids-related illness = Choroba związana z AIDS Aids-related illness
23. major illness = główna choroba major illness
  • I consider addiction to such a toxic drug a major illness,' Eric said.
  • But they also said the testing "did not suggest the presence of any major mental illness."
  • A major illness to the young emperor would foil their plans.
  • You do not have untreated depression or another major mental illness.
  • The alternative, for many, in the event of a major illness, may well be personal bankruptcy.
  • Families are very much concerned about the rising cost of health care and that a major illness could bankrupt them if they have no insurance.
  • A growing number of people say the internet has played a crucial or important role as they helped another person cope with a major illness.
  • The measure provides the elderly with insurance against major illnesses.
  • Those targeted for referral have a history of major mental illness.
  • Today, psychoanalysis four or five times a week on the couch is not used for the treatment of major mental illness.
24. common illness = pospolita choroba common illness
25. debilitating illness = choroba wyniszczająca debilitating illness
26. long-term illness = choroba długotrwała long-term illness
27. viral illness = wirusowa choroba viral illness
28. smoking-related illness = choroba związana z paleniem papierosów smoking-related illness
29. certain illness = pewna choroba certain illness
30. rare illness = rzadka choroba rare illness
31. minor illness = lekka choroba minor illness
32. medical illness = medyczna choroba medical illness
33. recent illness = nowa choroba recent illness
Präposition + illness
Kolokacji: 27
of illness • from illness • through illness • to illness • with illness • ...

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