"identify" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

identify Verb

identify + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 254
identify areas • identify genes • identify individuals • identify factors • identify problems • identify ways • identify victims • ...
1. identify areas = identyfikuj obszary identify areas
2. identify genes = identyfikuj geny identify genes
3. identify individuals = zidentyfikuj osoby identify individuals
4. identify factors = identyfikuj czynniki identify factors
6. identify victims = zidentyfikuj ofiary identify victims
7. identify ways = zidentyfikuj drogi identify ways
9. identify issues = określ kwestie identify issues
10. identify targets = określ cele identify targets
12. identify sites = zidentyfikuj miejsca identify sites
15. identify students = zidentyfikuj studentów identify students
16. identify information = zidentyfikuj informacje identify information
17. identify objects = zidentyfikuj przedmioty identify objects
18. identify patterns = zidentyfikuj wzory identify patterns
19. identify companies = zidentyfikuj spółki identify companies
20. identify patients = zidentyfikuj pacjentów identify patients
21. identify children = zidentyfikuj dzieci identify children
22. identify elements = określ elementy identify elements
23. identify trends = określ tendencje identify trends
27. identify the suspect = zidentyfikuj osobę podejrzaną identify the suspect
32. identify features = zidentyfikuj cechy identify features
34. identify risks = zidentyfikuj ryzyka identify risks
  • The main purpose of the council is to identify risk in the Financial system.
  • They will also help with identifying risks and in financial planning.
  • How do you identify and evaluate risks to your business?
  • "We ought to do a better job of identifying real risks and putting money where they are."
  • Officials identified several other risks to the city's finances yesterday.
  • It can be used to identify potential risks and plan safe work schedules.
  • Officially they are trying to identify any threat or risk.
  • The ways of industry are indeed completely unpredictable, although it may be possible to identify risk in ecosystem changes.
  • This will help you to identify risks, how to manage them and any other issues that may need addressing.
  • After establishing the context, the next step in the process of managing risk is to identify potential risks.
36. identify places = zidentyfikuj miejsca identify places
39. identify threats = zidentyfikuj groźby identify threats
40. identify weaknesses = określ słabości identify weaknesses
41. identify the man = zidentyfikuj człowieka identify the man
42. identify plants = zidentyfikuj rośliny identify plants
43. mystery bird to identify = tajemniczy ptak zidentyfikować mystery bird to identify
44. identify actions = zidentyfikuj czyny identify actions
45. identify products = zidentyfikuj produkty identify products
46. identify regions = zidentyfikuj regiony identify regions
47. identify differences = zidentyfikuj różnice identify differences
48. identify changes = zidentyfikuj zmiany identify changes
49. identify candidates = zidentyfikuj kandydatów identify candidates
50. identify points = zidentyfikuj punkty identify points
51. identify gaps = zidentyfikuj luki identify gaps
52. identify users = zidentyfikuj użytkowników identify users
54. identify schools = zidentyfikuj szkoły identify schools
55. ability to identify = umiejętność zidentyfikowania ability to identify
56. identify programs = określ programy identify programs
57. identify conditions = zidentyfikuj warunki identify conditions
Verb + identify
Kolokacji: 31
help identify • expend to identify • seek to identify • decline to identify • refuse to identify • fail to identify • try to identify • ...
identify + Präposition
Kolokacji: 38
identify with • identify by • identified through • identify within • identified during • ...
identify + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 99
easily identified • closely identified • positively identified • clearly identified • correctly identify • publicly identified • identify strongly • ...

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