"historic" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

historic Adjektiv

historic + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 385
historic building • historic district • historic site • historic home • historic landmark • historic preservation • historic structure • ...
8. historic event = historyczne wydarzenie historic event
12. historic moment = historyczny moment historic moment
13. historic significance = historyczne znaczenie historic significance
14. historic property = historyczna właściwość historic property
17. historic area = historyczny obszar historic area
18. historic center = historyczne centrum historic center
19. historic neighborhood = historyczna dzielnica historic neighborhood
20. historic city = pradawne miasto historic city
21. historic interest = zainteresowanie historią historic interest
24. historic county = historyczne hrabstwo historic county
27. historic character = historyczny charakter historic character
28. historic importance = historyczne znaczenie historic importance
29. historic cemetery = historyczny cmentarz historic cemetery
30. historic figure = historyczna liczba historic figure
32. historic theater = historyczna scena historic theater
33. historic value = historyczna wartość historic value
34. Historic Scotland = Historyczna Szkocja Historic Scotland
35. historic opportunity = historyczna możliwość historic opportunity
36. historic time = historyczny czas historic time
37. historic role = historyczna rola historic role
39. historic victory = historyczne zwycięstwo historic victory
41. historic low = historyczny niski historic low
42. historic document = historyczny dokument historic document
44. historic school = historyczna szkoła historic school
45. historic park = historyczny park historic park
46. historic mansion = historyczna rezydencja historic mansion
47. historic occasion = historyczna okazja historic occasion
48. historic day = historyczny dzień historic day
49. historic region = historyczny region historic region
50. historic core = historyczna istota historic core
51. historic name = historyczne imię historic name
52. historic residence = historyczna rezydencja historic residence
53. historic period = historyczny okres historic period
54. historic marker = historyczny wskaźnik historic marker
55. historic meeting = historyczne spotkanie historic meeting
56. historic resource = historyczny zasób historic resource
58. historic designation = historyczne desygnowanie historic designation
59. historic nature = historyczność historic nature
60. historic visit = historyczna wizyta historic visit
61. historic agreement = historyczna umowa historic agreement
63. historic inn = historyczna gospoda historic inn
  • In 2007 a historic inn was converted into a mixed use array of offices, small retail, and a restaurant.
  • There are some alleyways and a number of historic inns.
  • Why don't we continue the mood and go to a historic inn?
  • Tonight we are comfortably lodged and extremely well fed in another historic inn.
  • Many of them are country house hotels and historic inns.
  • "I was a history teacher," he said, "this is a historic inn and I'm interested in some of the things that went into making this country."
  • This historic inn is now a bed and breakfast and has seven large rooms for $55.
  • We found ourselves dining very well at an attractive, modern overhaul of a historic inn done with light wood and exposed stone.
  • Adjacent to the general store is a restored, historic inn with a restaurant and brew pub.
  • But why put the body, stripped to its underpants, in an historic inn?
64. historic community = historyczna społeczność historic community
65. historic mission = historyczna misja historic mission
66. historic change = historyczna zmiana historic change
67. historic street = historyczna ulica historic street
68. historic decision = historyczna decyzja historic decision
69. historic flight = historyczny lot historic flight
70. historic tie = historyczna więź historic tie
71. historic location = historyczna lokalizacja historic location
72. historic artifact = historyczny przedmiot historic artifact
73. historic fire station = historyczna remiza strażacka historic fire station
74. historic farm complex = historyczny kompleks gospodarski historic farm complex
Adverb + historic
Kolokacji: 4
most historic • truly historic • potentially historic • equally historic

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