"hard" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

hard Adjektiv

hard + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 354
hard time • hard work • hard drive • hard part • hard rock • hard line • hard labor • hard disk • hard thing • hard look • hard currency • ...
Verb + hard
Kolokacji: 45
work hard • swallow hard • fight hard • play hard • try hard • push hard • look hard • breathe hard • ...
Adverb + hard
Kolokacji: 38
extremely hard • pretty hard • particularly hard • especially hard • increasingly hard • ...
(1) extremely, exceedingly
Kolokacji: 2
(4) increasingly, progressively
Kolokacji: 2
1. awfully hard = strasznie twardy awfully hard
2. far harder = daleko twardszy far harder
3. damned hard = potępieńcy twardy damned hard
4. equally hard = równie trudno equally hard
5. notoriously hard = notorycznie twardy notoriously hard
6. terribly hard = szalenie twardy terribly hard
7. relatively hard = stosunkowo twardy relatively hard
8. surprisingly hard = zadziwiająco twardy surprisingly hard
9. doubly hard = podwójnie twardy doubly hard
10. little hard = mało twardy little hard
11. brutally hard = brutalnie twardy brutally hard
12. suddenly hard = nagle twardy suddenly hard
13. computationally hard = obliczeniowo twardy computationally hard
14. infinitely harder = o wiele twardszy infinitely harder
  • In any event, the internal terrors are infinitely harder to laugh at, or to beat back with overwhelming force, or to turn into a lucrative, teen-friendly franchise.
  • It's infinitely harder to pretend you're well than to pretend you're sick.
  • She also ascribes some of the popularity of these to their "particularization of experience," which is infinitely harder to find in Hollywood product.
  • The pain was giving way now to a numbness- a lack of control that was infinitely harder to master.
  • Ms. Chan's infinitely harder struggle could have been used to throw a harsher light on the younger characters and their unhappiness.
  • "It is infinitely harder to be in that position when things are so unsettled inside your embassy."
  • You must have driven an infinitely harder one to do what you're doing now.
  • Such were the things that made prison infinitely harder to bear for men like Rubin and himself than for the unprincipled swine who surrounded them.
  • They were no match for a man who had spent the last seven years fighting and riding and living hard, and years before that in an infinitely harder "school" than this one.
  • In a Forbes.com article, Mary Ellen Iskenderian stated that women's empowerment is "infinitely harder to measure but every bit as important as the economic change."
(6) incredibly, unbelievably
Kolokacji: 2
(8) damn, mighty, devilishly
Kolokacji: 3
(9) desperately, impossibly
Kolokacji: 2
hard + Präposition
Kolokacji: 12
hard for • hard on • hard at • hard with • hard of • ...

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