"gun" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

gun Substantiv

Substantiv + gun
Kolokacji: 103
machine gun • mm gun • field gun • toy gun • radar gun • Lewis gun • laser gun • deck gun • artillery gun • ray gun • inch gun • ...
gun + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 134
gun control • gun battle • gun barrel • gun owner • gun turret • gun violence • gun emplacement • gun law • gun crew • gun hand • ...
gun + Verb
Kolokacji: 125
gun fires • gun points • gun goes • gun blazing • gun falls • gun comes • gun makes • gun mounts • gun kills • ...
Verb + gun
Kolokacji: 134
sell guns • gun trained • draw one's gun • raise one's gun • grab one's gun • reach for one's gun • stick to one's guns • make guns • ...
1. sell guns = sprzedaj bronie sell guns
2. gun trained = broń trenowała gun trained
5. grab one's gun = łapać czyjś broń grab one's gun
6. reach for one's gun = sięgnij po broń reach for one's gun
7. stick to one's guns = obstawać przy swoim, upierać się przy swoim (np. zdaniu) stick to one's guns
8. shoot with one's gun = postrzelić się czyjś broń shoot with one's gun
9. make guns = marki bronie make guns
12. go for one's gun = lubić czyjś broń go for one's gun
13. gun aimed = broń dążyła gun aimed
16. gun is replaced = broń jest odłożona na miejsce gun is replaced
17. gun is loaded = broń jest naładowana gun is loaded
18. own a gun = posiadaj broń own a gun
21. pull a gun = wymierz pistolet pull a gun
24. buy a gun = kup broń buy a gun
25. gun is mounted = broń jest umieszczona na stanowisku gun is mounted
27. take out one's gun = wyjmować czyjś broń take out one's gun
30. lose one's gun = przegrywać czyjś broń lose one's gun
31. include guns = obejmuj bronie include guns
37. equip with guns = wyposaż w bronie equip with guns
40. need a gun = potrzebuj broni need a gun
41. swing one's gun = drgnięcie czyjś broń swing one's gun
42. seize guns = przejmij bronie seize guns
43. gun is removed = broń jest usunięta gun is removed
  • In the early 1900s all but three original large guns were removed.
  • By 1920, all guns had been removed from the fort.
  • It would appear the guns were removed some time between Sept 1945 and the end of 1946.
  • Again the guns were removed at the end of hostilities.
  • The gun could either be fired from the vehicle, or removed and set up as normal.
  • The guns were removed from the monitors in December 1920.
  • Although the guns were removed, the remainder of the equipment remains.
  • The hand held guns behind the wing were removed in these versions.
  • All the 5.5-inch guns were removed during another refit in 1940.
  • In September her main guns were removed to arm a pair of monitors.
44. fire from one's gun = ogień z czyjś broń fire from one's gun
50. level one's gun = poziom czyjś broń level one's gun
51. gun pressed = broń naciskała gun pressed
52. gun is placed = broń jest położona gun is placed
53. come from one's gun = pochodzić czyjś broń come from one's gun
Adjektiv + gun
Kolokacji: 102
big gun • anti-aircraft gun • loaded gun • Top Gun • anti-tank gun • naval gun • heavy gun • large gun • main gun • new gun • small gun • ...
Präposition + gun
Kolokacji: 20
with guns • about guns • of guns • by guns • to one's guns • ...

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