"goal" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

goal Substantiv

Substantiv + goal
Kolokacji: 98
field goal • career goal • policy goal • NHL goal • league goal • opening goal • design goal • development goal • ...
goal + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 31
goal line • goal scorer • goal post • goal tally • goal difference • field goal attempt • goal average • field goal percentage • ...
goal + Verb
Kolokacji: 75
goal scores • goal includes • goal assists • goal gives • goal comes • goal wins • goal helps • goal makes • goal leaves • goal puts • ...
Verb + goal
Kolokacji: 184
set goals • pursue goals • score several goals • achieve one's goal • reach one's goal • meet one's goal • accomplish one's goal • ...
Adjektiv + goal
Kolokacji: 276
main goal • ultimate goal • primary goal • common goal • game-winning goal • long-term goal • major goal • specific goal • ...
1. main goal = główny cel main goal
2. ultimate goal = ostateczny cel ultimate goal
3. primary goal = główny cel primary goal
4. common goal = wspólny cel common goal
6. long-term goal = cel długofalowy, cel długoterminowy long-term goal
7. important goal = ważny cel important goal
8. major goal = główny cel major goal
10. original goal = oryginalny cel original goal
11. ambitious goal = ambitny cel ambitious goal
12. personal goal = osobisty cel personal goal
13. short-handed goal = cel posiadający niedostateczną liczbę pracowników short-handed goal
14. overall goal = ogólny cel overall goal
15. immediate goal = najbliższy cel immediate goal
16. strategic goal = strategiczny cel strategic goal
17. political goal = polityczny cel political goal
19. only goal = jedyny cel only goal
20. final goal = ostatni cel final goal
21. real goal = rzeczywisty cel real goal
22. national goal = krajowy cel national goal
23. single goal = jeden cel single goal
24. new goal = nowy cel new goal
25. initial goal = cel pierwszej litery initial goal
26. high goal = wielki cel high goal
27. international goal = międzynarodowy cel international goal
28. late goal = późny cel late goal
29. key goal = kluczowy cel key goal
30. similar goal = podobny cel similar goal
31. big goal = wielki cel big goal
32. educational goal = pedagogiczny cel educational goal
33. early goal = wczesny cel early goal
35. lofty goal = wzniosły cel lofty goal
36. broad goal = szeroki cel broad goal
37. clear goal = wyraźny cel clear goal
38. senior goal = starszy cel senior goal
39. social goal = społeczny cel social goal
40. realistic goal = realistyczny cel realistic goal
41. great goal = świetny cel great goal
43. financial goal = finansowy cel financial goal
44. large goal = duży cel large goal
45. empty-net goal = pusty-siatka cel empty-net goal
46. long term goal = cel długiego okresu czasu long term goal
47. lone goal = samotny cel lone goal
48. principal goal = główny cel principal goal
49. certain goal = pewny cel certain goal
50. crucial goal = zasadniczy cel crucial goal
51. economic goal = gospodarczy cel economic goal
52. third-period goal = trzeci-stylowy cel third-period goal
53. far goal = daleko cel far goal
54. basic goal = podstawowy cel basic goal
55. modest goal = skromny cel modest goal
56. eventual goal = ostateczny cel eventual goal
57. decisive goal = decydujący cel decisive goal
58. worthy goal = szlachetny cel worthy goal
59. central goal = główny cel central goal
60. game-tying goal = gra-przywiązać/przywiązywać cel game-tying goal
61. first-period goal = pierwszy-stylowy cel first-period goal
62. long-range goal = długofalowy cel long-range goal
63. total goal = całkowity cel total goal
64. academic goal = naukowy cel academic goal
65. fastest goal = najszybszy cel fastest goal
67. vital goal = istotny cel vital goal
69. elusive goal = nieosiągalny cel elusive goal
70. American goal = Amerykański cel American goal
71. environmental goal = środowiskowy cel environmental goal
72. second-period goal = drugi-stylowy cel second-period goal
73. last-minute goal = bramka strzelona w ostatniej minucie last-minute goal
74. individual goal = indywidualny cel individual goal
75. top goal = najlepszy cel top goal
76. official goal = oficjalny cel official goal
77. general goal = ogólny cel general goal
78. shared goal = wspólny cel shared goal
79. true goal = prawdziwy cel true goal
80. spectacular goal = cel wielkiego widowiska spectacular goal
81. particular goal = szczególny cel particular goal
82. overarching goal = obejmujący całość cel overarching goal
83. noble goal = szlachetny cel noble goal
  • That may be a noble goal, but at Waco most (although not all) of them died against their will.
  • "Well, both of them are good and noble goals," the dragon went on.
  • All noble goals, to be sure, but what, exactly, can they mean for those who work and study in a larger organization?
  • Supporting a wide variety of life on this planet is a noble goal.
  • Those noble goals also play a part in her work onstage.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, we have the noble goal of helping poor countries.
  • Is this, then, in some way, an entirely different and nobler goal?
  • Moreover, these are noble goals worth pursuing for their own end.
  • On any other object, these would be worthwhile, even noble, goals.
  • Both noble goals, of course, but there is a difference.
84. shorthanded goal = shorthanded cel shorthanded goal
85. best goal = najlepszy cel best goal
86. fundamental goal = fundamentalny cel fundamental goal
87. impressive goal = imponujący cel impressive goal
Präposition + goal
Kolokacji: 32
of one's goals • to one's goal • for one's goal • toward one's goal • after one's goal • ...

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